gift art:


I just luw this pic!! *heart* Korone does so wunderfull job with tablet and Reno looks so good here...whee!! *__* - by Korone

* I so so like Locki here. The pose and all. She drew this for someone who paid for it. Damn it's fine. And damn her for drawing better vespa's than I ever could. xD *note!:boyxboy luw! many of you think Reno will learn how to steer that way. Heheh...*giggles* mm...first giftart with Reno and North together...teehee..I luwluw how they look and the colouring...boogie! *dances the dance of JOY! note!:boyxboy luw! ...tehehe....the "obligatory" 'tender moment between the boys'..^__^ *evil snerk*- by Captain Woody

the cutest lil' heads of North! whee! I just love the expressions..priceless..xDDDD *lol* - by Wuz

*mmm....I think he did a faabulous job on da nameless goth-ninja. I love the pose and the action in the pis and the rain. Fabulous pic. yaaay! *jumps up and down* - by Kari

all material © the wonderfull artists who've drawn the pics 2003