Michael R. Treanor
As many knows. 'Micheal Treanor' is supposebly (sp) back'. He's been hanging around at the Ultimate 3 Ninjas board. As far as I know, that's not the real Micheal Treanor. But everyone's entitled to their own opinions. And plainly, I don't really care. Haahaa. As for how I know some of his facts like that lutheran thing, all I can say is, 'he' told me. I'm not lying, but as I've said, everyone's entitled to their own opinions. Make your own judegements. But just so you know, DO NOT EMAIL ME to found out about Micheal, I don't have the right to tell ya. And why does it matter? No, I'm not mad, really. ^-^
First off, this picture was taken on Jay Leno's when Mike was about 13. Now he's 21 and OUT of the acting biz. I repeat, you will NEVER EVER see him in a movie/ commercial etc. Then again, never say never right? *_*
Mike is doing fine on his own right now(well actually, he's VERY taken:). He's in college and prusueing his career in computer science.
He's 21, older, stronger, and WISER (LOL ^_~).
As much as he disliked acting. He still loved the experience he had filming the 3 Ninjas. And he appreciated and still appreciates his fans.

So well, we just wanna wish him a happy life right??????
3 ninjas(1992)-Rocky
3 NInjas knuckle up(1995)-Rocky
Outstanding emsemble cast in a motion picture. Nomination shared with Max Slade and Chad Power
Mike's 411
Name: Michael Treanor
Age: 21
B-day: April 17, 1979
Hair Color: blond
Eye color: Blue
Fav Music groups: Pearl Jam and U2
Fav Color: Blue
Fav food: Chicken

My opinions.
I don't want to admit this but I stopped flipping through channels coz I thought he was cute. but I mean, whatever you know? It's a teen girl thing. I've done that with all the other movies. Lol. I think Michael is a really good actor considering he's never really done it. So kudos to him.