Style and fashion are considered vain to the Amish. Fashion has something to do with wanting to be noticed, which they do not want. Jewelry is forbidden because it is considered unnecessary and an expression of pride. Amish women and girls wear solid-colored dresses with a full skirt that is knee to floor length. Blues and purples are the most common colors. They also wear black stockings and shoes. Amish women never cut their hair and wear it in a bun. Inside, Amish women wear on their heads a white prayer cover if they are married and a black one if they are not. Outside, they wear a bonnet. Amish men and boys wear dark-colored suits without lapels, broad trousers with no pleats, solid-colored shirts, suspenders, black socks and shoes and a black or straw-brimmed hat. Amish men use wire hooks and eye fasteners on their clothes. They do not wear mustaches, but they do grow beards after they are married.