My childhood
As every body, I was also born in this earth in a day which is 11th April 1974. I have very slight memory of my very small age. I can remember slightly the days when we were in a house close to my fathers parents house, in Matale. I can remember the paddy fields, which could be over seen from that house. There were three kids who were much more older to me, whom I use to play with. The youngest, we use to call "Ukkun ayya" even now. We left that place when I was in the age of 2 I think, and came to village named Gonavels, close to Negambo. But when ever I visit my grandparents in Matale I use to visit these people, even now. But only there parents live there now.
Life in Nigeria
We moved to Nigeria when I was in the age of 9 years. My father was a teacher in Government Secondary Technical School, Damagum. Which is in the state of Borno. This school is situated in a very samll town or to say village about 200 to 150 km twords west from Maudigir, which is the capital of that state. I staied with my parents for about 2 years and it was an entairly different experience to me. I did schooling over that time and is was unforgatable.  I was able to improve my English and also learn their language. But most of all I missed Sri Lanka a lot, even thouth I had lots of friends from other countries. Because I love my country a lot.