2 oz. honey
Melt the honey in a double boiler. Add lanolin and mix thoroughly.
Remove from heat and let cool. When cool add the almond oil, and vitamin
E oil stirring well. Add essential oil if a scent is wanted.
1 cup white petroleum
In a double boiler slowly heat petroleum and lanolin. In seperate saucepan heat water and glycerin. When both mixtures are warm remove from heat and pour together. Mix well. Cool until it starts to solidify then add perfume to personal taste. Pour into tight container. Use cream for whenever you have dry spots such as ankles, knees, elbows, etc.
Source = Norman Stark's The Formula Book Sheed and Ward, Inc. (1975)p.75
1 cup water
The night before soak lime slices in water. Next day, remove lime slices. Add glycerin, lemon oil and almond oil to lime-water. Mix well and bottle tightly. Makes a pleasant and soothing skin lotion.
Source = Norman Stark's The Formula Book Sheed and Ward, Inc. (1975)p.69
1/2 tsp vegetable margarine
In a double boiler melt magarine, beeswax, coconut oil and lanolin. Mix well.
Dissolve borax in warm distilled water and add to melted mixture. Remove from heat. Beat until mixture is cooled. Place into small sterile jar with lid and close tightly. Date and label. Use on skin as needed. (Southeast Asia)
Source = Conway & Sanderford's Nature's Beauty Box:Beauty Secrets from Around the World Charles E. Tuttle Company, Inc. (1995)
1/4 cup cocoa butter
Heat gently in double boiler the cocoa butter, wheat germ oil, sesame seed oil, apricot kernal oil, and vitamin E oil with the grated beeswax until fully melted. Stir well. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla extract. Allow to cool completely. Store in clean steril jar with a tight lid. Massage into skin daily. Yield=3 oz.
Source = Janice Cox's Natural Beauty at Home, Henry Holt & Co. (1995) p.79
1/4 cup grated cocoa butter
Combine all ingredients in an ovenproof glass container. Place container in a pan with a 2 inch water bath. Melt oils and wax gently. Mix well and pour into sterilized jar with tightly fitting lid. Cool. Stir mixture.
Source = Janice Cox's Natural Beauty at Home, Henry Holt & Co. (1995) p.67
2 TB grated beeswax
Combine beeswax, lanolin, and almond oil in a double boiler. Heat gently until melted. Combine water, witch hazel and borax powder and stir until powder fully dissolved. Heat water mixture in microwave about 45 seconds to almost boiling.
Slowly pour water solution into oil/wax mixture and stir well. Cool completely and pour into a sterilized jar with tightly fitted lid. Yield = 8 oz.
Source = Janice Cox's Natural Beauty at Home, Henry Holt & Co. (1995) p.64
2 cups mineral oil
Heat mineral oil and beeswax slowly in double boiler until beeswax is melted. Allow to cool to about 120 degrees F. In seperate pan heat the water then add the borax to water and mix gently. Allow to cool to about 120 degrees F. Remove both pans from heat. Slowly add water mixture into oil/wax mixture while stirring all the while. Cool until it just starts to solidify. Pour into containers and seal. Use to remove makeup or whenever you would use commercial cold creams.
Source = Norman Stark's The Formula Book Sheed and Ward, Inc. (1975)p.75
1-tablespoon lanolin
In a double boiler, melt the lanolin with the almond oil. Add the water,
then remove from heat and allow the mixture to cool. Add the cod liver
oil and vitamin E oil. Apply it to face.
2 3/4 crumbled crustless rye bread
Mix rye bread with vinegar in a glass bowl. Let soak for 8 hours. In a blender, combine mixture with eggwhites and blend on low 1 minute. Blend 1 minute on high. Press mixture through cheesecloth into jar. Add Benzoin and stir well. Close jar tightly. Date and label jar. Gentle shake before each use. Use small amount on wrinkles night and day. Throw out mixture after 1 week. (Eastern Europe)
Source = Conway & Sanderford's Nature's Beauty Box:Beauty Secrets from Around the World Charles E. Tuttle Company, Inc. (1995)
1 egg
Blend egg, vinegar and sugar together. Slowly beat in olive oil until mixture is thick and golden. Massage into skin, avoiding eye area. Rinse with warm water and pat dry. (North America)
Source = Conway & Sanderford's Nature's Beauty Box:Beauty Secrets from Around the World Charles E. Tuttle Company, Inc. (1995)
1/2 tsp borax
Dissolve borax in 1 TB hot water. Mash quince seeds and mix into 1/2 cup hot water and set aside. Mix ground almonds with almond oil. When quince seed mixture is sticky, combine all ingrediants and mix thoroughly. Apply to face and neck avoiding eyes. Wash off with warm water and pat dry.
Source = Conway & Sanderford's Nature's Beauty Box:Beauty Secrets from Around the World Charles E. Tuttle Company, Inc. (1995)
1 TB almond oil
Melt almond oil, avocado oil and beeswax together in a double boiler. Seperately add pinch borax to rosewater. Combine rosewater mixture to oil/beeswax mixture. Stir until creamy. Store in jar tightly. Massage into face and neck. (South America)
Source = Conway & Sanderford's Nature's Beauty Box:Beauty Secrets from Around the World Charles E. Tuttle Company, Inc. (1995)
enough mashed honeydew melon to yield 1 oz juice
Strain mashed honeydew through cheesecloth to yield 1 oz juice. Melt lanolin and stir in fruit kernal oil. Remove from stove. Quickly add honeydew juice while mixing constantly. Add benzoin. Allow to cool and store tightly in jar. Date and label. Use cottonball to apply to face and throat. Throw away after 3 weeks. (Asia)
Source = Conway & Sanderford's Nature's Beauty Box:Beauty Secrets from Around the World Charles E. Tuttle Company, Inc. (1995)
1 1/2 cup isopropyl alcohol
Mix first ingrediants well then add mineral oil. Bottle tightly. Use as rubbing oil for muscle injuries.
Source = Norman Stark's The Formula Book Sheed and Ward, Inc. (1975)p.70
4 oz. Olive Oil
Melt the oil and the wax in the top of a double boiler. Remove from heat
add orange water, and stir thoroughly. Add the vitamin E (pierce and
squeeze out the oil) into the cream. Add the orange essential oil and
stir till cool, put into a jar to store. Use on rough, dry, or chapped hands.
1/4 cup beeswax
Melt beeswax in double boiler. Remove from heat. Stir in castor oil, sesame oil and lanolin. Mix well. Add peppermint oil and mix. Pour into small jars and allow to cool. To use, rub a finger into balm and apply small amount to lips
Source = Norman Stark's The Formula Book Sheed and Ward, Inc. (1975)p.73
1 1/2 tsp beeswax
Melt beeswax with rose oil. Remove from heat. Add violet tea. Mix well and pour into a small heat resistant glass jar. Let cool. Date and label. Apply as necessary to dry, chapped lips.
Source = Conway & Sanderford's Nature's Beauty Box:Beauty Secrets from Around the World Charles E. Tuttle Company, Inc. (1995)
4 TB beeswax
Melt beeswax with olive oil, camphor and glycerin. Stir gently. Remove from heat. pour into a small heat resistant glass jar. Let cool. Date and label. Apply as necessary to dry, chapped lips.
Source = Conway & Sanderford's Nature's Beauty Box:Beauty Secrets from Around the World Charles E. Tuttle Company, Inc. (1995)
1 tsp beeswax
Melt beeswax with cocoa butter in a small double boiler. Mix well. Pour into a small heat resistant glass jar. Date and Label. Cool and apply as needed to dry, chapped lips. (South America)
Source = Conway & Sanderford's Nature's Beauty Box:Beauty Secrets from Around the World Charles E. Tuttle Company, Inc. (1995)
3 tsp beeswax
Melt beeswax with almond oil in a small double boiler. Mix well. Pour into a small heat resistant glass jar. Date and Label. Cool and apply as needed to dry, chapped lips. (Asia)
Source = Conway & Sanderford's Nature's Beauty Box:Beauty Secrets from Around the World Charles E. Tuttle Company, Inc. (1995)
1 oz beeswax
Melt beeswax with apricot oil in a small double boiler. Add camphor oil and remove from heat. Beat until cold. Put in small tight glass jar. Date and Label. Apply as needed to dry, chapped lips. (Asia)
Source = Conway & Sanderford's Nature's Beauty Box:Beauty Secrets from Around the World Charles E. Tuttle Company, Inc. (1995)
2 TB castor oil
Source = Conway & Sanderford's Nature's Beauty Box:Beauty Secrets from Around the World Charles E. Tuttle Company, Inc. (1995)
4 TB cocoa butter
Melt beeswax with cocoa butter and almond oil in a small double boiler. Mix well. Remove from heat and let cool. Pour into sterilized glass bottle and close tightly. Label and date. Apply generously as needed to dry, chapped feet.(Central America)
Source = Conway & Sanderford's Nature's Beauty Box:Beauty Secrets from Around the World Charles E. Tuttle Company, Inc. (1995)
1 TB glycerin
Mix ingrediants well. Bottle tightly and store. Use to ease the sting of scratches, shaving cuts, insect bites etc. Soak cottonball with solution and apply to skin.
Source = Norman Stark's The Formula Book Sheed and Ward, Inc. (1975)p.70
2 cups water
In first double boiler heat up water and honey to 150 degrees F. In second double boiler place all the other ingrediants and also heat to 150 degrees F.
Remove both pans from heat. Combine mixtures and mix well. Allow to cool to lukewarm. Stir in 4 drops almond oil. Bottle tightly. Use as needed for skin.
Source = Norman Stark's The Formula Book Sheed and Ward, Inc. (1975)p.68
6 to 8 cucumbers to make 4 cups juice
Run cucumbers through a juicer, a ricer or food processor until very finely minced. Strain through cheesecloth and save juice. Amount needed is about 4 cups juice. Combine juice, alcohol and benzoic acid and mix well. Add a few drops of rose oil and mix. Bottle tightly. Use when skin needs cooling and refreshing.
Source = Norman Stark's The Formula Book Sheed and Ward, Inc. (1975)p.68
1/2 cup water
Oil of eucalyptus can be used in place of peppermint, if you prefer.
Pour the water and alcohol into a bottle, and then add the oil. Cap and shake well.
Apply to your skin with a clean cloth.
(source unknown)
1 tsp borax
Dissolve borax into rosewater. Slowly stir in warm jojoba oil. Whisk ingredients for several minutes. Add orange flower water. Mix. Pour into a sterilized bottle with a tight lid. Date and Label. Can be kept for a long time!
Source = Conway & Sanderford's Nature's Beauty Box:Beauty Secrets from Around the World Charles E. Tuttle Company, Inc. (1995)
1/3 cup isopropyl alcohol
Mix alcohol, glycerin, and peanut oil together. Add tragacanth and Benzoin and mix well. Bottle tightly. Use for sore chapped hands.
Source = Norman Stark's The Formula Book Sheed and Ward, Inc. (1975)p.73
1/2 cup distilled water
Mix ingrediants and then bottle tightly. First wash face with soap and water. Wipe skin with a cottonball soaked with this solution. Pat dry. Use as needed.
Source = Norman Stark's The Formula Book Sheed and Ward, Inc. (1975)p.77
1/2 cup yellow beeswax
In the top of double boiler slowly melt waxes and stir together. Remove from heat. Stir in mineral oil. Cool and pour into jars. To remove makeup, saturate a cottonball with lotion and swipe face. Wipe off makeup with a tissue then thoroughly cleanse face.
Source = Norman Stark's The Formula Book Sheed and Ward, Inc. (1975)p.77
1 cup water
Mix water, alcohol, glycerin and witch hazel. Now add alum and boric acid. Mix well. Add a few drops perfume to personal taste. Splash on liberally after shave.
Source = Norman Stark's The Formula Book Sheed and Ward, Inc. (1975)p.76
This composite recipe is loosely based on period powder recipes. It
uses cornstarch or rice flour instead of orris root or calamus (sweet
flag) root because of possible inhalation hazards.
Corn starch or rice flour (about 1 cup)
Grind up the rose petals and the lavender. Rub them through a fine
sieve and mix with the cornstarch or rice flour until the mixture is
finely flaked with herbs. Add herbs and resins; mix. Adjust
Proportions for a good-smelling powder flecked with botanicals. If
the person is not allergic to orris root you can add a pinch of it
For the fleeting but distinctive scent of orris.
Medicinally, the lavender, rosemary and thyme are astringent and
slightly antiseptic; the cloves are antiseptic and analgesic; the
myrrh is styptic and supposedly pain relieving; the Benzoin makes it
stick and keeps it smelling nice; the roses just smell good.
I use Roses in this recipe because mentions of Damask (white rose)
powder. Roses, in period, were thought to be good for everything.
Myrrh was used in wound treatment and scent preparations; Benzoin was
also used in scent preparations. Myrtle leaves, sprinkled on, were
recommended by Dioscorides for moist thighs and underarms. Thyme was
used by the Romans in their baths, as was Lavender.
1/3 cup talc
Mix ingrediants. Put in old baby powder shake container. Sprinkle in your shoes, in the dogbed etc.
Source = Norman Stark's The Formula Book Sheed and Ward, Inc. (1975)p.71
2 cups talc
Mix dry ingrediants in bowl. You can stop there or add a couple drops of red or yellow food coloring for face powder. Put in air-tight container and use when needed.
Source = Norman Stark's The Formula Book Sheed and Ward, Inc. (1975)p.76
1/2 cup rice flour
Place ingredients in a tightly sealed jar. Shake vigorously until powder is well mixed. Apply with powder buff after bath. Yield = 8 oz.
Source = Janice Cox's Natural Beauty at Home, Henry Holt & Co. (1995) p.196
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Place ingredients in a tightly sealed jar. Shake vigorously until powder is well mixed. Apply with powder buff after bath. Yield = 8 oz.
Source = Janice Cox's Natural Beauty at Home, Henry Holt & Co. (1995) p.197
1/2 tsp peppermint oil
Place ingredients in a tightly sealed jar. Shake vigorously until powder is well mixed. Apply with powder buff after bath or keep in shaker container. Yield = 8 oz.
Source = Janice Cox's Natural Beauty at Home, Henry Holt & Co. (1995) p.198
1 cup cornstarch
Place ingredients in a tightly sealed jar. Shake vigorously until powder is well mixed. Apply with powder buff after bath or keep in shaker container. Yield = 8 oz.
Source = Janice Cox's Natural Beauty at Home, Henry Holt & Co. (1995) p.199
With oils (adapted from Plat's Delightes for Ladies)
"But if you take three or four drops only of the oil of Cloves,
Mace, or Nutmegs (for Cinnamon oil is
too costly to spend this way) and mingle the same with a pint of
faire water, making agitation of them a pretty while together in a
glass having a narrow mouth, till they have in some measure
incorporated themselves together, you shall find a very pleasing
and delightful water to wash with and so you may always furnish
yourself of sweet water of several kinds, before such time as your
guests shall be ready to sit down. I speak not of the oil of Spike
(which will extend very far this way) both because every Gentlewoman
doth not like so strong a scent and for that the same is elsewhere
already commended by another Author.
Warm water
Put warm water in the container; add a few drops of the oil and mix
Another way (see Le Menagier)
"To make water for washing hands at table: Boil sage, then strain the
water and cool it until it is a little more than lukewarm. Or use
chamomile, marjoram, or rosemary boiled with orange peel. Bay leaves
are also good."
Small handful Rosemary
Bring water to a boil, add botanicals and simmer 15-20 minutes.
Remove from heat, cool, strain, and use.
Either water can be kept under refrigeration for several weeks.
To use at table, have the person hold their hands over a shallow
basin and pour a small amount of the water over their hands from a
The waters can also be used to rinse hair, or as a refreshing body
Hand washing at table occurred both before and -- more commonly-- after
a meal. When a goodly portion of one's meal was consumed with one's
fingers, having the residue washed away with a good smelling rinse
was a pleasant necessity.
4 oz. lanolin
2 oz. almond oil
1 teaspoon Vitamin E oil
3/4 tsp anhydrous lanolin
2 cups water
1 tsp glycerin
a few drops non-oil based perfume
double boiler
sauce pan
several slices of lime
1/8 tsp glycerin
1/8 tsp lemon oil
1/8 tsp almond oil
1 tsp beeswax
2 1/2 tsp coconut oil
1/2 tsp lanolin
pinch of borax
2 TB distilled water
1 TB wheat germ oil
1 tsp light sesame seed oil
1 tsp apricot kernal oil
1 tsp vitamin E oil
2 tsp grated beeswax
1 tsp vanilla extract (optional)
1 TB coconut oil
2 TB sesame oil
1 TB avocado oil
1 TB grated beeswax
2 TB lanolin
1/2 cup almond oil
2 TB distilled water
2 TB witch hazel
1/8 tsp borax powder
1/2 cup white beeswax
1 cup water
1 1/2 tsp powdered borax
double boiler
2 teaspoons sweet almond oil
2 teaspoons water
2 teaspoons cod liver oil
1-teaspoon vitamin E
2 cups cider vinegar
2 fresh egg whites
2 oz tincture of Benzoin
1 TB cider vinegar
1/2 tsp white sugar
1/2 cup virgin olive oil
1 TB hot water
1 tsp quince seeds
1/2 cup hot water
4 TB ground almonds
1 TB almond oil
3 TB avocado oil
1 tsp beeswax
pinch borax
1 TB rosewater
1/2 oz lanolin
3 oz fruit kernal oil
6 drops tincture of benzoin
1/2 cup methyl salicylate
1/8 tsp camphor
1/8 tsp menthol
1/4 cup mineral oil
3 Tablespoons beeswax
2 oz. orange water
10 capsules 500 units vitamin E
5 drops orange essential oi
1/4 cup castor oil
3 TB sesame oil
2 TB anhydrous lanolin
peppermint oil
1 TB rose oil
1 TB sweet violet tea
5 TB olive oil
1 TB camphor
1 1 /2 tsp glycerin
4 tsp cocoa butter
3 tsp almond oil
3 oz apricot oil
2 drops camphor oil
2 TB glycerine
Mix ingrediants well. Place in sterilized jar. Label and date. Apply to cuticles nightly.
4 TB beeswax
4 TB almond oil
3 cups water
2 TB alum powder
2 heaping teaspoons honey
1 1/2 TB stearic acid
6 TB glycerin
2 TB ethyline glycol (antifreeze)
4 drops almond oil
2 double boilers
1 cup glycerin
1/4 cup isopropyl alcohol
1 pinch benzoic acid
a few drops rose oil
(Relieves itching!)
1/2 cup rubbing alcohol
3-4 drops peppermint oil
1/2 pint rosewater
2 TB (warm)jojoba oil
5 tsp orange flower water
2/3 cup glycerin
2 TB peanut oil
1 tsp powdered tragacanth
2 tsp tincture of Benzoin
4 TB isopropyl alcohol
1 1/2 tsp glycerin
1/8 tsp triethanolamine
1/3 cup paraffin wax
1 cup mineral oil
double boiler
1/4 cup isopropyl alcohol
5 TB glycerin
1/4 cup witch hazel
1/2 tsp powdered alum
1/4 tsp boric acid
a few drops non-oil based perfume
1 tablespoon Rose petals
2 teaspoons Lavender blossoms
Pinch powdered myrrh
Dash powdered cloves
Pinch powdered rosemary, thyme and/or myrtle
Pinch powdered Benzoin
1/4 cup boric acid
1 TB powdered alum
a few drops non oil based perfume
2 TB boric acid
1/2 cup cornstarch
a few drops food coloring (red and yellow)
1/4 cup cornstarch
1 TB orrisroot powder
4 drops essential oil to taste
(or) 1 tsp favorite cologne
1/2 tsp almond extract
1 tsp almond oil
1 cup cornstarch
1 tsp vodka
1 cup cornstarch
1 tsp orange flower water
3 drops orange (neroli) oil
Lavender, rose, nutmeg, clove, or mace essential oil
Half handful Orange Peel
1 qt. Water
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