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The Weather Channel.com
National Weather Service(NOAA)
AccuWeather.com - severe weather warnings
The Weather Underground
UM Weather-USA Weather
Michigan State UM Weather Maps
The Weather Network - for US and Canadian cities
UNISYS Weather - Interactive graphical weather data
National Weather Service NOAA Climate Prediction Center
The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology
National Allergy Bureau's daily pollen counts for selected cities
Qwickcast.com - Interactive US weather forecast
SIGHTQUEST.COM-weather news,forecasts, satellite images,& other weather information
Freese-Notis Weather.net home page
Freese-Notis National Radar - contains radar of current US precipitation activity
Weathernet Homeland Security Network: Glossary of Weather Terms
(Updated 09/28/03 D.J. Russell)***** Music = Doors - "Riders in the Storm"
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