Friday June 22, 2001

Attack of the flying monkey
(click the link to see the video)!


We then met up with Tracy, Mike and Bobby (3/30/00) as well as Jane and Maddie (3/22/00).  The kids had a great time together, and we had the challenge of trying to get them all together for a photo.  Click the buttons to download videos.  They aren't the highest quality, but you get the idea!

Trying to line the kids up for a photo...

Nicolas enjoyed pushing Bobby in the stroller.  See Maddie in the background, clapping to her own music!


Maddie shows the boys, anything boys can do girls can do better!


Maddie decides that Bobby would look better in HER hat!


We had such a GREAT time and they are just the CUTEST kids together (ok, so there may be a little bit of bias here).  We hope to get together again soon and maybe you'll see how much fun we had and join us for our next outing!

(We took a FEW photos here, so you get to see everyone looking at the camera at some point!  Yes, it was HOT so please excuse the red faces and exhausted looks.  We were chasing around 3 toddlers in the heat!)

Tracy holding Bobby (3/30), Jane holding Maddie (3/22) and Dina holding Nicolas (3/28)

Bobby in his stroller and Maddie in her stroller while the parents snap some more photos