The following is the message sent by Rachel Chung to Aiden Yeh as posted in

efiwebheads (English for Internet), an online community of teachers and learners.

Message 4011

Dear Aiden,

I haven't heard from you for quite a long time. How're you doing? Did you travel to any other country during Chinese New Year? I'm writing to you because my students and I would like to invite you and your female students to an outdoor activity. If you and your students are interested, please drop me a mail. We'll take the chance to chat in English face-to-face. An American young man who
assists our speaking class would love to join us, too. I know you haven't had started the class yet, but I would like to hear what you think about the idea?

Rachel Chung

                                                        Aiden Yeh responded, Feb 17, 2003

Interesting. Please tell me more about your students, age, English level, etc. so I could make a match with my students (either from NKFUST or Shih Chien). My students are 21-22 year old English majors. When do you expect to carry out this activity? I'm designing my syllabus and lesson plans this week, so I could still make some adjustments ;-)


Below is a follow-up letter.


I'll be meeting my students (NKFUST) this wednesday and will discuss your proposal with them. I'll let you know as soon as I can.



Rachel wrote back regarding some slight changes in plan.

Dear Aiden,
Do you mind if we have the party a day ahead the orignal date if  the class exchange in Pig & Whistle sounds good to your students?  That'll be on Friday night, March 7, 2003. We might have our students take charge of the  details. I believe it'd be a good chance for them to learn how to deal with extracurricular activities. They can brainstorm and design any intersting game appropriate for indoor activity. Please don't hesitate to tell us if you or your students have any other idea or
comment on this class exchange.


    It turned out that only a handful of Aiden Yeh's students were interested. Since this activity is an extra-curricular one, it wasn't made compulsory for students to attend and pay the NT$500- fee.


I have only asked my students from NKFUST and I did it by creating a Poll question in our yahoogroups page. This  saves them from embarrassment and fear from exposing what they truly feel. I have about 22 in this class and 15 have responded so far. Only 5 are willing to go and the rest would rather do an assignment. I know who these 5 students are because they have approached me and expressed their interest. . I have not asked my students from Shih Chien- I am not sure whether inviting them would be a good idea or not- they're (NKFUST & SC) two different groups. I'll try anyways and I might get a response this weekend.




I think many of them are not willing to squeeze out NT$500-

Rachel wrote expressing concerns about the fee and apprehensions female students usually have regarding this type of activities.

Yeah, I understand that paying NT$500  on steak, dance, and games may frighten them especially for girls. Alternatively, we go outdoors (to Cheng-ching Lake, for instance) if they are reluctant to join because of the fee. Then, boys will take charge of the meal and girls don't need to pay at all as long as they are willing to spend 6 to 7 hours on an outdoor activity. As a matter of fact,  it'd cost much to rent the disco pub for one night- three to four hours only. However, designing an outdoor activity is easier and more intensive. We've got a very talented host- the American 23-year-old boy that I mentioned to you earlier. I don't know. This is what I- an old-fashioned, FIFTH grade woman think. Perhaps you  ask your girls and see what they'd  really like to do. Since most of them  in NKFUST are not interested, you may ask  the girls from S C, too. If the latter turns to be more interested, then we maintain the same plan- to Pig & Whistle. What do you think?


Aiden, in this email, hopes for the best.


I am forwarding your letter to my students, and I'll talk to them about your plans. I also have asked my students from SC and am waiting for their response.

I'm still keeping my fingers crossed and hoping we could pull this through.



The low number of Aiden's students had prompted Rachel to invite students

another university, but to no avail.  The teachers had to do the best

with what they had. And so, it was made final...

Okay, here's the final decision as to the time and place of the meeting.

Place: Pig and Whistle

Date: March 08, Saturday

Time: 5:30-9:00

I hope to see as many of you on Saturday.

Aiden Yeh


Since am already married, meeting boys does not really fancy me, so I'd be bringing along my husband as my date, who else?

Aiden had about 6 pretty and smart students who came while Rachel had about 29 male students. Truly, the girls were outnumbered, but it was fun for the girls to do the choosing (rather than the boys). Please click the link below to go back to the main page.