The Theatre
Enjoy life... this is not a dress rehearsal...
Rather than rave for hours over how much I love the theatre (since I have the page it's safe to assume that I adore it) I will instead help you to broaden your mind a bit... My favorite place to attend a show is right in New York City- go see today's hottest stars on the Great White Way...
The Bushnell- as stated on their website, this is "Connecticut's Premier Performing Arts Center"- I saw my first musical here.
It hurts to see so many people today miss out on some wonderful writing, wit and touching moments in William Shakespeare's plays simply because of the way they approach it.  Sad, but too true.

To truly understand the Bard, even if you're just reading a play, take this advice-
Read it as a play! Imagine in your head what it might look like on stage (or picture it as a movie), instead of getting caught up in the words.  You can go back later to analyze rhyme and meter.

Try to find an edition that has definitions of Old English words and phrases.  I recommend the Folger Library and Signet Editions.  The productions I've worked with use the Folger editions since one side has the script and the opposite side has the definitions.

If you must absolutely have to see it in order to understand it, go see a local production.  If you must, rent one.  Kenneth Branaugh (is THAT how you spell it?) sticks as close to the original as much as possible.
Don't even get me started...

I saw my first musical when I turned eight.  It was "Cats"- and I was hooked.  I was in my first musical (HMS Pinafore- I played Buttercup) in sixth grade.  Ever since, musicals have been a part of my life as blood.

I'm not quite sure what attracts me, whether it's the wider spanse of energy that goes into them, the broad expanse of subject matter (light and dark) or the incredible talent that makes it look effortless (believe me, it's not!).  I can't think of anything I'd rather do when I'm on stage in a musical.

Check out my
music site for more info and my list of favorites...
My Acting Resume
Find out what shows I've been in, what troupes I've performed with and what roles I've played.
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Favorite Actors
Not in any particular order-
Michael Crawford-  Also my favorite vocalist, he stormed the theatre world with his touching and talented portrayal of the title role in Andrew Lloyd Webber's "The Phantom of the Opera".  Other credits include Frank Spencer in BBC's "Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em" and P.T. himself in "Barnum".  His most recent show was the short-lived rock musical "Dance of the Vampires"- which I was fortunate enough to see him in.  He is one of the best in the business!

Ron Perlman- Most noted for playing Vincent in the late 80's CBS show "Beauty and the Beast", Ron is a character actor of great talent.  He is wonderful at humanizing his characters- sometimes only using his voice (Vincent's being one of the most unique) or his eyes!

Brent Spiner- Another actor who can bring humanization into characters, he played the android Data for seven years in "Star Trek- The Next Generation" on TV and reprises the role for the TNG movies.  He has also had some wonderful smaller roles in "Independence Day" and other movies since.
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Goodspeed Musicals- located in East Hadaam, CT, the Goodspeed Opera House is a restored 19th century theater dedicated in bringing musical theatre back into the spotlight.