Chap 21

The Ashton have been back from New York for about a week. Ned avoided Julia as much as her possibly could. That night hadn't been brought up again, at least not yet. He saw her only for business purposes, no more business lunches or business dinners. He strictly saw her at the office and with his door open. He didn't want her to try anything, or he do something he would regret for the rest of his life. The gossip columns had no story to tell. Ned and Alexis made very public appearances with each other. Snuffing out all possible rumors of Ned cheating on her. Brooke-Lynn started kindergarten and seemed to be adjusting well to the whole getting up early and doing school work. She comes home with notes from her teachers telling them how well she is doing and what an exceptional child she is. Kristen is now 6 months old and crawling all over the place. She keeps Alexis on her toes during the day. Alexis enjoys working from home, and not having to go into a office.

Alexis had to meet with a new client, so she needed to take Kristen up to Ned for maybe a hour so she can go over something's with her client. Alexis got dressed. She put on hr best power suit and headed into Kristen's room.

"Hey sleepyhead." Kristen's head popped up and she got a full fledge dimpled smile revealing her 2 bottom teeth when she saw her mommy. Alexis went to Kristen's closet to pick her something out to wear. "You have to go see daddy for a little while, while mommy does some legal stuff." Kristen let out a loud squeal. Alexis picked her up, wiped her down and got her dressed. Alexis packed the diaper bag and headed to ELQ.

Ned was in his office going over some paperwork. There is a knock at the door.

"Come in" he said not looking up.

"Hey there stranger" Julia said as she walked in and shut the door behind her.

"What do you want Julia? I already signed those contracts earlier today." He said rubbing his temples. He was starting to get a headache.

"I just wanted to see if you would like to go grab a bite to eat. It's lunchtime so I was just thinking maybe.." She said walking closure to his desk.

"Julia, I am sorry. I don't have time to eat. I have to get this deal closed today or we will lose a bunch of money." He stretched his neck from side to side.

"Looks like you could use a good shoulder rub" She said walking behind his chair and put her hands on his shoulders. "My goodness Ned, you are so tense. You really need to loosen up. All this stress can't be good for you." Ned sat there letting her massage his shoulders. It felt good and he needed it.

Alexis got off the elevator. People stopped her to talk and to check out how much Kristen had grown and how much she looks like her. They tell her they miss her here, but they totally understand she wants to be at home with the baby. Ned's secretary greets out her and buzzes Ned. There is no response. She knows Julia is in there with him and she don't want Alexis walking in on anything. Not that Ned would do that to her.

"He knows I am coming so, I'll just go in" Alexis said walking to the door.

"Um..Mrs. Ashton, let me try him one more time. Maybe he really busy, maybe he's not in there." Alexis backed away from the door.

“Why would his door be closed then. No there's no need to interrupted him." Alexis opened the door, both Ned and Julia looked at her like two deer caught in headlights. Alexis stood there holding Kristen. She couldn't believe her eyes. She had just walked in on Julia and Ned kissing. She couldn't move, she felt numb. Ned pulled away from Julia and walked over to Alexis.

"Honey, it's not what your thinking" He said as he went to grab her arm.

"Don't touch me! She said as she back away from him.

“Sweetheart, it's not what your thinking. Really. I didn't do anything. I swear. I would never do this to you."

Alexis laughed. "Oh okay, and I am suppose to believe you, so I didn't just walk in on you, my husband, kissing another women, and not just any other women, but a women you had a past relationship with. I'm missing something here? You say you didn't do anything?"

Julia stepped forward and went to say something Alexis held up her free hand "Save it! I don't want to hear anything you have to say. As a matter of fact, why don't you just leave." Alexis said raising her voice causing Kristen to begin to cry. Julia walked past Alexis.

"You know your husband is a really good kisser, better than the last time I kissed him. (Alexis looked at her) OH, guess he didn't tell you about that night. My bad." She said as she walked out the door shutting it behind her.

Ned put his hands on his face. Kristen was still crying. Alexis tried to calm her down, but nothing worked. "Honey, let me see if I can get her to stop crying" Ned said extending his hands to take her.

"No! I can do it. I am her mother. I can stop my daughter from crying" Alexis said as all her bottled up emotions began to come out. She sat on Ned's sofa and began to cry. "Why..why are you doing this to me. What is wrong? Do you not love me anymore? Do you want to be with Julia?" She said sitting Kristen on her lap. Ned took Kristen from Alexis and calmed her down. She looked up at him. "Well I guess everyone is kicking me to the curb. First you now my own daughter."

“Honey, there is nothing going on with Julia and I. She kissed me. I didn't even enjoy it." He said sitting down next to her.

"I am so sure. It sure looked like when I walked in." She said playing with the bottom on her suit jacket.

Kristen was playing with Ned's nose. Alexis looked at them and her heart sank. She quickly got up and just started talking, she had to get out of there. "Here's her diaper bag, she shouldn't be hungry, I just fed her, but there is a jar of baby food in there is she needs it. You need to pick Brooke up in a little bit, and I'll be home later. I gotta go." She said grabbing her purse. Ned got up from the couch and grabbed her arm.

"Honey, please don't go. I don't want you to leave hurt or angry." He said holding her arm.

“Ned please let go. I have to go meet my client. I am going to be late as it is." Alexis said kissing Kristen on the head before walking out. She shut the door and heard Kristen begin to cry. She leaned against the door. She opened her eyes and saw a few people staring. She quickly walked to the elevator and got on before anyone could stop her.

As the door closed she saw Julia standing down the hall smiling at her.

Alexis wanted to rip her in two, but she didn't want to sink to Julia's level.

Alexis got in her car and canceled her appointment with her client. She wasn’t emotionally capable of trying to handle their case at the moment. She drove to the park where sat on a bench in the park watching the children playing on the playground. She couldn't get the imagine of Ned and Julia out of her head. She thought about what Julia said. Just how many times did they kiss and how far did they go. She sat there thinking and didn't notice someone walking up to her.

"Earth to Alexis, hello." Alexis looked up

"Chole! How long have you been standing there?" She said wiping away a tear that fell down her cheek.

"Not long, Alexis what's the matter. Are you alright?" Chole asked sitting next to Alexis

"Oh yea..I am fine, just peachy, no problems here." Alexis said

"Alexis, I know you better than that. I know when your upset. Now you want to tell me what or who has gotten you all upset." Chole said handing Alexis a Kleenex.

"Chole I don' I can't talk about it right now. I just want to be left alone." Alexis told her.

Chole got up "Okay, I won't push. But if you need me, I'll be a Jax's. Tell Ned I said hello and give him and the girls a big hug a kiss for me" Chole hugged Alexis

"Will do. Big hug and a kiss. Got it!" She smiled at Chole as she walked away. Alexis sat there for the rest of the afternoon.

Early Evening..

Ned walked in the house "Sweetheart, were home. Brooke wanted to go to the stables this afternoon, that's why we are late getting home. She also wants to order pizza. How's that sound" Ned yelled up the stairs thinking Alexis was in her office.

When he got no answer, Ned went up the stairs to her office. He opened the door but she wasn't there. He laid Kristen in her crib so she could finish her nap out and set Brooke up at her desk in her room to do her homework. He called Alexis' cell phone, it rang several times before her voice mail picked up. "Where is she?" He said out loud

"Where's who, daddy?" Brooke asked.

"I am just wondering why mommy isn't home yet. I am going to order you some pizza and have Emily come over to stay with you a little while, okay?" Ned told Brooke.

"Okay..I need mommy to help me with my math there's one I can't figure out." She said holding up the paper.

"When mommy gets home I am sure she would love to help you." Ned said kissing her forehead. He called Emily and as soon as she got there, he left.

Ned drove all over town he looked everywhere he thought Alexis could possibly be. He was beginning to get worried. It was starting to dark and Alexis still wasn't answering her phone. He walked down the stairs on the docks heading to the launch for Wyndermere. He stopped when he heard a sniffle. He over and saw Alexis sitting on the same bench he has found her on many occasions. Usually without a coat, but this time she has one on. Ned smiled at the thought. He slowly walked over to her. She was looking down at her hands in her lap playing with her wedding rings. The board cracked as Ned got next to her. She slowly lifted her head, she knew it was Ned. She could just sense him.

“Sweetheart, what are you doing out here?" Ned asked her

"I don't know, just thinking. I guess." She said shrugging her shoulders.

Ned sat beside her " Where's your car? How did you get here?"

"I really don't know how I got here. I started at the park and some how just ended up here. Maybe I walked, rode the bus, not really sure." She said as a fresh set of tears starting forming in her eyes.

"Come on let's go home. It's cold out here and it's been a long day for all of us. Let me make you a warm bath and I will tell you everything from beginning to end. I swear nothing is going on with Julia and I."

Alexis looked at Ned  "I don't need all the gory details. I just want you to answer one question. Why?" She said.

Ned helped her off the bench as they walked up the stairs with his arm around her waist and her head on his shoulder.