Chap 19

Ned and Alexis, with a sleeping Kristen in her arms, sit on one side of the plane, while Brooke-Lynn sat across from them looking out the window at all the tiny little "ants" as she called them, pass underneath the plane. Ned and Alexis had been watching her little facial expressions the whole trip. They left numbers with Emily and Nicholas and they were only to give it out to anyone if it was a direr emergency. They were not to be disturbed, it's a vacation.

Brooke ran across the plane into Ned's lap and she hugged him "What's that for?" He asked with his arms around his oldest daughter. "For taking me on a special trip before I have to start school." Brooke said "Well it's not every summer that I get to have you, so we are going to make this a summer to remember" Ned said placing his arm back on the couch behind Alexis. "I wish I could stay with you and mommy and Kristen all the time..mama is hardly ever home and I sty with grandma alot." Brooke said squeezing between Ned and Alexis. "You stay with your grandmother a lot, Why is that?" Alexis asked looking down at Brooke. "Cause mamma always is out with the band people and she says I can't go cause I am to little. I went a couple of times, but she yelled at me cause she said I got in the way." I want stay with you daddy."  He pulled her close "You know what, maybe we can talk to mama about that when we get back home. Let's not think about that right now and just enjoy our trip. (he pulled her back to look at her face) okay?" Brooke nodded and ran back over to the other side of the plane. She sat with her backpack and started looking for something to do. She pulled out a coloring book and began coloring. She looked up at Ned and Alexis and smiled. "Is there anything I can do? I mean like can I fight Lois for more custody rights?" Ned asked Alexis still looking at Brooke-Lynn. "Honey, I am sure there is, but let’s not think about it. Let's enjoy the time we do have with her. I check into all the stuff when we get back." Alexis leaned in closure to Ned "I am so glad that we got all our problems worked out. I couldn't stand it if I had to live without Kristen. She is my reason for wanting to be a good man. She is probably one of the best things that has happened in my life, you being the first. (Alexis smiled and he kissed her softly on the lips) I couldn’t imagine not being able to see Kristen all the time (he took her little hand in his) watching her sleep, discover all the new things. I love watching you and her when she eating. I missed all that with Brooke. I don't want to miss anymore. I feel like she's already grown so much and I have missed it all." Ned said pulling Alexis closer kissing her forehead. Ned watched Brooke-Lynn, with a proud smile on his face for the rest of the trip to New

The plane landed and Brooke was so hard to contain. The Plane door opened and she was the first one down the stairs. It was chilly, so Ned ran after her with her jacket. Alexis wrapped Kristen in her little pink fleece blanket and got into the limo. Ned helped the guys load their luggage and tipped them. He thanked them and climbed in next to Alexis. "He wrapped his arms around her "Man it's chilly here. You did bring them so warm clothes?” Ned asked rubbing Alexis arms getting her warm. "Now what kind of mother do you think I am? Of course I brought them warm clothes, as a matter of fact, I think I might have over packed." She laughed. "You can say that again. Did you really have to bring two suitcases just for yourself?" Ned said before moving across the limo to sit next to Brooke-Lynn. Alexis glared at him. Brooke-Lynn stared out the window at amazement at all the tall buildings with lots of lights on them. Her eyes got real big then they went through Times Square and saw all the lights. She smiled at Ned and climbed in his lap. He looked at Alexis at Brooke's movement into his lap. She laid her head on his shoulder still looking out the window. Ned wrapped his arms around her cherishing the moment.

They rode the elevator up to the penthouse. Brooke jumped off the elevator and starting running down the hall. Ned laughed at the little girl” Princess, the rooms this way" Brooke smiled and Ned and ran past him. "She is full of energy" the bellboy said to Ned. Ned shook his head. Ned stopped next to Brooke. Alexis and Kristen stood behind them. "You are a pretty little girl. You look just like your mommy (Ned looked at Alexis) I hope you have a fun trip. Try not to tier out your parents to much. It looks like they got their hands full with your little sister." The bellboy said to Brooke-Lynn. Kristen was full of just as much energy. She was kicking her legs and making all her baby noises. Alexis "You can say that again..we have our hands full with these two. But they are so much fun" She squeezed Kristen causing her to giggle. They all laughed as they walked into the penthouse.

Brooke and Kristen were taking a little nap before dinner. Ned and Alexis also tried to catch a little sleep before their week long week of fun. Ned was laying on his back with Alexis laying on her side beside him her head on his shoulder. Ned woke up and looked at his watch. He slowly got up not to disturb Alexis. He got a shower dressed for dinner and went downstairs. He picked up a surprise for Alexis and the girls and headed back up. He woke up Alexis "Sweetheart, you might want to get up and get a shower before the girls wake up." Alexis rolled over and looked at Ned " Why are you already dressed? What time is it?" She said rubbing her eyes. "Oh I just couldn't sleep, so I just went ahead and got dressed." She got up "Okay..I think I'll got jump in the shower before the girls wake up" Ned laughed, he had just told her that, but she was still half asleep and didn’t really know what she was saying or doing. Ned took the boxes out of his pocket and put them in his suit pocket.

30 minutes later Alexis walked out of the bathroom with her hair dry and in a big fluffy terry cloth robe. Ned was holding Kristen while Brooke sat at the desk coloring. He looked up at Alexis. "Well don't you look nice and refreshed. I think you might want to take this little munchkin" He handed Kristen to Alexis, she made a face. "No fair Mr. Ashton, you could have changed her diaper just as well as I could have. Brooke you ready to get in the bath. Come on let's get you two girls all dolled up" Alexis said as she walk into the bathroom, Brooke followed her. "Sweetheart, I'll be waiting for ya'll downstairs. Is that okay?" Ned asked Alexis as put on his jacket. Alexis walked out of the bathroom with a naked Kristen. "Give us about 45minutes and we will be down there. Where are you going to be?" Alexis asked as Kristen squirmed in her arms. Kristen loved bath time and she could hear the water running. "I'll be down in the lounge." Ned walked up to Alexis placed his hands on her shoulders and kissed her then kissed Kristen’s head. "See you in few" he said and left.

Ned was sitting in the lounge. A very attractive blonde walked up and sat on the stole beside him. Ned glanced at her then back to his drink in front of him. "Now what is a handsome looking gentleman like you sitting here in this lounge, in New York of all places alone? A man with your looks could have any girl in town." She held out her hand "Jenny Smith, and you are?" "And I am very happily married" Ned said as he smiled when he noticed Alexis walk in. Jenny said "Oh she's lovely, but don't you think she's a little young?" She said referring to Brooke-Lynn. Ned laughed "Those two would be my daughters. The gorgeous women with them, would be my lovely wife" Ned said getting up and walking over to Alexis.  He kissed her "You look absolutely stunning." He said to Alexis. She was wearing a very sleek black dress, kind of low cut. It showed her off her very flattering figure, with matching heels and her hair swept up off her neck, just the way Ned likes it. Ned was staring at Alexis and she was becoming embarrassed. Ned felt a tugging on his jacket. "What about me daddy, do I look stunning too?” Brooke said spinning so Ned could she her dress. She was wearing a deep purple velvet dress with little black Mary Jane's with her hair French
braided with a purple ribbons braided into it. He picked her up "You look gorgeous, just like mommy" He kissed her cheek and she giggled. "Kristen even looks gorgeous" She was wearing a deep purple velvet dress the same color as Brooke's with little matching bloomers, with a matching little brae looking hat. She was chewing on her fists. Ned took Kristen as Alexis put on her jacket and helped Brooke with hers. She helped Ned with Kristen and wrapped a blanket around her for extra warmth, since she had been sick. They headed out to the awaiting limo.

They pulled up in front of this really nice restaurant. The waiter escorted them to a back table. With candle light. They ordered and ate. Ned was looking at Alexis. "What? Is there something on my face. Am I flashing you. Did Kristen spit up on me?" Ned laughed "No none of the above. I just think you are the most gorgeous woman I have ever laid eyes on." Alexis looked away slightly embarrassed. "Oh please. I am sure you said that to all the girls you wined and dined. So save it Ashton, and I saw you talking with the blonde earlier. What is it do you have a thing for blondes, do I need to dye my hair blonde and at all airheadish?" She said tilting her head from side to side with a bit of sarcasm. Ned laughed and took her hand "Sweetheart, you are the only girl I ever want to wine and dine for the rest of my life. And please no airheads. I like a woman that challenges me, like you." Ned said. They paid the waiter and left.

They pull up to this little park and get out "Ned, don't you think it's a little to chilly for the girls out here?" She said wrapping Kristen blanket a little tighter around her. He ignored her and walked over to a little park bench. He sat down and whipped out a blanket. "You have something up your sleeve Mr. Ashton. Why are we out here?" Alexis asked. Ned sat and pulled her down beside him. Brooke climbed in his lap. Brooke snuggled closer to Ned and she felt something hard in his pocket. She dug into his jacket she pulled out a box then two more. "Daddy what are these?" Brooke asked holding one up "Alexis looked at Ned and smiled. She knew they were some kind of jewelry or something. She could tell by the size of the box.” Well princess, you and mommy and Kristen are the best things that could have ever happen to me and I just wanted to get yall a little something to show you how much I love you" He said taking the box he opened it to reveal diamond stunned earrings. Alexis eyes got huge at the size "My God Ned, don’t you think Brooke and Kristen are a little to small for diamonds that big?" Ned laughed "Sweetheart these would be for you." "Oh..I was about to say..the girls are slightly smaller" Ned handed Alexis the earrings and she put them in her ears. The light hit them and they sparkled. She kissed Ned and they were beginning to get a little more passionate and Brooke cleared her throat "Ahem.." She said. Ned and Alexis stopped kissing and laughed. He quickly kissed her again and opened Brooke's box of earrings. He helped her put them in. Then he handed Alexis Kristen box. She put them in her ears trying not to wake her. Brooke hugged her daddy she yawned and laid her head on his shoulder. All of the sudden fireworks went off in the sky above them. Brooke shot up and looked up. The loud boom made Kristen jump and she started crying. Ned and Alexis both jumped. "Did you plan this too?" Alexis asked Ned. "No, but what great timing" Ned said as he pulled Alexis closer for warmth. They watched the fireworks as they lit up the New York sky.

Ned and Alexis walked in the hotel lobby. Ned was carrying a sleeping
Brooke and Alexis a sleeping Kristen. "Looks like you wore them out
tonight."  The bellboy said. As they were walking past the front desk,
"Excuse, Mr. Ashton you have a message" the girl said handing him the
message. He couldn't grab it so Alexis took it, "Thank you" she looked at it and rolled her eyes. "How does she do it?" "Who do what?" Ned asked as they got on the elevator. "Julia, this is from Julia, how did she know where we were staying?" Alexis looked annoyed. "Don't worry sweetheart, she is not going to ruin our vacation" He took the message and tore it up. "I won’t let her. This week is just for you and the girls. It's gotten of to a real bang so far." He said referring to the fireworks as the door closed.