Alexis bedroom

Alexis woke up to the familiar smell of French toast cooking. She laid in bed thinking about Ned and the baby, she was not really wanting to get up to start the long day she knew she had ahead of her. She was still so happy at the thought of being wrapped in Ned's arms all night. Before long Alexis had dozed back off.

Ned walked in the room and smiled at Alexis sleeping peacefully. Ned thought to himself. "How did I get so lucky" Ned went and laid next to Alexis and wrapped his arm around her waist and gently caressed her stomach. Alexis turned over and unconsciously in her sleep and snuggled up against Ned and she draped her arm across him. Ned laid there in the silence listening to her steady breathing. He then too dozed off.

Alexis stirred slightly. Her eyes opening and focusing on Ned who was staring at her smiling.

"How long have you been watching me sleep? " Ned opened he mouth and was about to answer but before he could Alexis continued "You know I don't like that? You could have woke me up, you know I would be hungry. Where you just going to let me sleep all morning? You know I have to be in court at 10. Now my French toast is going to be cold and I have to run around in a frantic and get dressed for court today! Oh how I am dreading this day." She said not letting Ned get a word in.

Ned finally was able to speak "You know I love watching you sleep. You were so beautiful and peaceful I didn't want to disturb you. I know you could use the sleep anyway, cause I know you probably haven't gotten much lately. That's my fault and I am sorry.  I was not about to wake you up, just to have you snap my head off for disturbing your beauty rest. Not that you need to much of that.... oohh..and another thing..Dara called and court has been cancelled, something about the judge's father passed away and he had to leave town.... and I will make you some more french toast if it's cold. I don't want my child eating cold food!" He laughed as Alexis playfully slapped him of the chest.

"Oh I am so glad I don't have to be in court today. I wasn't looking forward to it at all..Its all just driving me crazy (Ned gave her a "told you so" kind of look) (She quickly kissed him on the lips) Well what are you waiting for. help me up, I am hungry!!"

"How did I know that was coming. I think I am in for a many more months..oh..5 months.." He said as Alexis glared at him before she turned and headed off to the kitchen Ned following closely behind her "Hey wait a minute you " Ned said before she could reach for her plate "Don't I even get a good morning kiss" Alexis thought for a minute. "Not after that comment you made." she said laughing.  Maybe i'll give you one after I determine if this french  toast is edible or not." she laughed as she took a bite and smiled at him. Ned pulled her to him grabbing her face and giving her a morning kiss then kissing her on the cheek. "I love you Mommy "  Alexis eyes got wide, she started to have a hard time breathing and she almost choked on her bite of toast. Alexis got up and ran to the bathroom to throw up. Ned followed behind her.."Honey? You alright" Alexis just sat there..Ned walked over to her and sat down beside her and brushed her hair out of her face,. "How much longer is this going to last?" Alexis asked. Ned looked down, he didn't know cause Lois left while she was pregnant with Brook-Lynn. "Lex, Honey..(he looked her in the eyes and felt so bad that she was sick almost all the time) I love you. I am sure it will be over soon enough" he said as he pulled her to him and hugged her tightly. "How about we call your doctor and set up an appointment for today. How's that sound? Would that be alright? We can find out if we are going to have a soccer player or a ballerina in the house." Alexis sat there looking even sicker and just nodded her head yes and said "Girls can play soccer to" Ned laughed as he helped her off the floor and helped her back in bed. Ned called the doctor and they had an appointment for the afternoon. Alexis fell back asleep within minutes. Ned laid beside her and played with her hair while he watched her sleep.

Ned and Alexis were getting ready for the doctors appointment. Ned could hear Alexis is the room whining. "God I am getting so fat" she said looking into the mirror. "My cheeks are getting chubby and my butt needs a "Wide Load" sign written across it" Ned laughed and Alexis turn around startled. "How long have you been standing there?" she asked Ned. "Long enough to know that I think you are the most (Ned began to walk slowly over to her) gorgeous, charming, beautiful, intelligent pregnant woman I have ever seen. And No, you don't need a "Wide Load" sign." he said with a laugh. Alexis flopped down on the bed "Ned what if I can't do this..I mean.. what if I screw up,  I might drop the baby on it's head, or put that diaper thingy on backwards, forget to feed it? OH GOD..I am going to be a awful mother." Alexis rambled off. Ned sat beside her "Lex, honey..we take it one day at a time. You won't drop it and I am sure that you will be fine with the diaper's really not that hard..and most importantly I will be here to help's not like you have to do this all alone. I will be here. I have no intentions on leaving. I missed out on this once and I will not miss out again. They finished getting dress and headed to GH for her appointment.

Dr. Newman's office

Ned and Alexis walked in the doctors office holding hands. Alexis signed in and walked over to where Ned was sitting. "How do you think of  Dylan Edward for the baby if its a boy"  Alexis asked Ned.."that's my little brothers name and I am not cursing my son with the name Edward!" "OH I forgot about your brother and well..I really don't like Edward all that much either. Okay ssoo.." Ned said "How about Kristopher" Alexis looked at him "Like after my mother? Ned, I love it!" Ned continued "Okay well we have the first name, now how about a middle name"  " How about Lawrence, after his daddy" she said kissing him on the cheek. "Okay well then if it's a boy we will have one Kristopher Lawrence Ashton" Alexis smiled "I love it! Now what if it's a girl?" Ned thought for a moment "Gertrude!!" Alexis looked and him with disgust " No way in hell am I naming my daughter after that red-headed witch!!" " "I was just kidding" " You have better have been" Alexis shot back at him. "Okay" Ned said. "Seriously, how about Kristen, after your mother and the middle name, Nicole after Nik. I know how much they both mean to you." Ned said."Ned Ashton, I love you so much.. I love the name and thank you for being here with me today. I know you could be out singing or something.." Ned cut her off. "Alexis like I said, I wouldn't miss seeing our baby(putting his hand on her stomach) for the world. This is the the best day I could ever have..well except for all the days I have spent with you." Alexis smiled thought her tears and Dr Newman came out. "Ms Davis, you ready to see that baby of yours" She looked and Ned "As ready as we will ever be" she said grabbing Ned's hand as they walk into the examinning room.

The appointmet went well everything is right on schdule. The doctor printed off some of the sonogram pictures from them then Ned and Alexis headed home happy about finding out that they were going to have a healthy baby girl. A little Kirsten Nicole Ashton.