GH Delivery room..

The minutes seemed like hours. Alexis was resting and Ned sat beside her holding her hand looking at his daughter's heart beat on the fetal monitor. He closed his eyes and listen to the sound of her steady heartbeat. In a few hours he was going to see his little girl, Kristen. She was conceived out of the deep love he and Alexis share. It wasn't just sex, it was love making. Although, she was quite unexpected and most defiantly not planned, she brought Ned and Alexis back together where they belonged, in each other arms.

Alexis slowly opens her eyes to see Ned staring at her "Hey there handsome. (she reached up and touched his cheek) What's on your mind?" Ned looked at Alexis a smiled "I was just thinking about how lucky I am (Alexis smiled) I have the most intelligent, beautiful, sexy, funny (Alexis listened intensely) passionate (he paused) do I need to go on or do you get the point? (she smiled at him and shook her head yes. He gave her a look) "No I guess not, I get the point. You love me?" She said  "No I don't love you" Alexis looked at him confused " I adore you" Ned leaned down and kissed her gently on the lips " Hey that's my line" She said slightly laughing. "Ned, I am really sorry about earlier. I don't know what got into me. I guess It was just seeing you with Julia and knowing that you two share a past..Well I guess I just got a little jealous. I don't like aother women drooling over my man. I mean it's bad eough when I have to share you with your  legions of screaming fans" Alexis said as she looked away from Ned embarrassed. Ned placed his hand under her chin and turned her face back towards him " Sweetheart, please believe me, there is no room in my heart for any another women, not even whent hey are throwing thier bra and underwear at me (she smiled) well I guess there's room in there for a least (places his hand on her stomach) one more. (Alexis smiles) Alexis, you are the only woman for me. When I look at other women, that's all I see is another women. No one can ma! ke me think the forbidden thoughts I think when I see you walk in a room. When I said "till death do us part" on our wedding day. I meant it, with all my heart. I love you Alexis..Please never ever forget that." Alexis tried to sit up and wrap her arms around Ned, but a sharp pain in her stomach made her stop "OH God" she said as she grabbed her stomach. " What? What is it sweetheart" "The baby..I think she is getting a little to impatient. I guess like mother like daughter..She's wanting out, and NOW!" Ned gets up and heads for the door " Where you going?" Alexis asked " To get the doctor. I ain't going deliver this baby!" Ned said as he ran out the door. Alexis laid back on the bed and began breathing " Okay..I can do this. This is nothing compared to standing in front of a court room full of people. Yea..I can do it, I'm a Cassidine. We have no pain, have no fear." Another pain shoots through her body "OOOWWW! Okay so I can't take this." She yells " Ned..Get your butt back in here!"

A few seconds later Ned and Dr Newman come walking in. "Don't just stand there, give me some drugs." Alexis spat at the doctor. Dr Newman looked at the chart and all the machines " Alexis, I'm sorry it's a little to late for any drugs, this baby is coming now. "TO LATE? What?..Oh no..ya see I can't take pain (she pulls Ned to her by the shirt) I need something to get rid of the pain. Get me something now" She said in Ned's face.  He backed away from Alexis and walked over to the doctor "Are..are you sure there is nothing you can give her. I mean you really, and I mean really.. don't want to see her when she's in pain. It's not pretty!" "I'm sorry Mr. Ashton, your daughter is coming and the medicine wouldn't do yoru wife any good at this point" Ned stood there looking at Alexis and then back to Dr. Newman. he pointed at the doctor "You tell her then, I am the one that has to live with her" Dr Newman walked over to Alexis "Are you ready to deliver this baby?" "Just as soon as you stick that IV in my arm and start bumping all those drugs into my system" Alexis screams has she feels pressure and another sharp pain in her stomach. "OH God..Get this kid out of me!" Dr Newman "Okay Alexis you ready to push?" Alexis looked at her like she was crazy " WHAT? You mean I got to push this kid out, you not just gonna pull her out or anything?" Dr Newman chuckled " I forgot this is your first child" Alexis shook her head " Well you see you have to push in order for this child to make her grand entrance into this world" Alexis looked at Ned " You never told me this was going to be this hard. I thought this was going to easy. I mean women do this all the time..Okay really how hard can this be?" Ned stood there trying not to laugh at Alexis. Then pain and pressure was getting worse and closer together. " Dr Newman " Okay Alexis we need one big push. I can see her head" Alexis pushed as hard as she could. She scream and grabbed Ned by the shirt collar." I swear to you, you are never, ever going to lay another ! hand on me again for as long as you live! You did this to me!!" "Oh no.. don't you blame me for this..It takes two to tango, sweetheart" Ned said as he yanked his shirt out of her balled up fist. " You jerk..Stay the hell away from me.. I hate you" She yelled as she pushed.

30 minutes later Ned was wiping the sweat off her forehead " your doing great sweetheart. Before you know it, we will be holding our precious little girl" " You aren't touching me or our little girl. Now get out of here!" Ned turns to walk out. "Oh you don't really mean that." Dr Newman said to Alexis. "Yes I do.. I hate that man! OH GOD.." Dr Newman "okay one more push" Alexis yelled at Ned " Where the hell do you think your going? Get your butt back over here!" Ned turned around and rolled his eyes "You told me to leave. So I was doing as you wished" Alexis squinted her eyes at Ned " Ha ha very funny Ashton, now get over hear so I can squeeze the life out of your hand" Ned walked over to Alexis and grabbed her hand. " Okay..I guess I won't be playing the guitar for awhile" Ned said as Alexis sueezed his hand harder. Alexis gave one final push and out came little Kristen Nicole screaming. Dr Newman " Congratulations, It's a girl! She is so beautiful" Alexis laid back exhausted. Ned stared at his little girl with tears forming in his eyes. he thought "she's finally here. My baby girl is fnally here" They nurse cleaned Kristen up a little before she laid her on Alexiss chest. Alexis eyes filled with tears " Oh Ned..she's so beautiful..(she grabbed her little hand) I can't believe your finally here." She said to Kristen and she stopped fussing as soon as she heard her mothers voice. "Hey baby..mommy loves you." Alexis kissed her forehead and looked at Ned. He had a single tear falling down his cheek. " Don't just stand over there with your hands in your pockets, come here and welcome our daughter into the our crazy world (she looked and Ned) Daddy" Ned slowly walked over to Alexis and Kristen. He liked the sound of "daddy". He stood there for a minute looking at the tiny little girl in his wifes arms. They were the most beautiful sight to him. He couldn't believe it, He was married to the love of his life and his daughter, Kristen was finally here and he witnessed her birth. He even cut ! the cord. He missed all this with Brooke and he was determined not to miss a thing with Kristen. He leaned down and kissed Alexis softly on the lips " I love you, sweetheart. Thank you for making me a father again" He took Kristen's little hand and brought it to his lips and kissed it. Kristen immedently wrapped her tiny little fingers around his. " Well..She sure does have a good grip that's for sure. Hey there princess..It's daddy..You know, you look just like your mother (she made a funny face) hey that's not such a bad thing. She's the most gorgeous women I ahve ever laid eyes on. (Alexis cheeks flushed, she got embarassed) You are the most beautiful little girl I have ever seen (more tears fell down his cheeks. He looked at Alexis again, she had tears falling down her cheeks as well) Aww look, we made mommy cry" "Ned thank you for making me a mother. I never thought this day would come. I love you" Alexis said as Kristen made a funny noise. Ned and Alexis both look down at her. She made a slight smile on her tiny face. They both looked at each other and at the same time said "She has dimples!" They looked at each other and laughed.

Dr Newman stood back and watched this family. She had never in her entire career seen such a beautiful family. " You guys are really lucky to have each other, and she is one lucky girl to have two parents that love each other as much as you two do. She is truly blessed with great parents. Again congratulations" The nurse took Kristen from Alexis and cleaned her off more and weighs her. Ned is sort of sitting on the bed beside Alexis holding her hand. Alexis is totally exhausted. Ned asked the nurse " So how much does she weigh. Is she going to okay" The nurse turns to them " Well I am totally shocked. For her being so early, Iwould have thought she wouldn't wiegh that much, but she weighs 5 pounds and 3 ounces. Mrs. Ashton I do believe if she would have went to term, she could have been a 9 or 10 ponder" Alexis eyes got big " OUCH" is all she said. Ned laughed as the nurse laid a tiny little pink bundle in Alexis waiting arms. Alexis looked at Kristen then up at Ned. She kissed her forehead and went to hand her to Ned. " I think she wants her daddy." Ned quickly took his hands out of his pockets and carefully took Kristen from Alexis. " She's so tiny" He said as he carefully brought her up so her tiny face was up to his so he could smell her sweet baby scent. He sat down next to Alexis on the bed. Kristen made some noise and she settled into her daddy's arms " So you want another one?" He said to Alexis. She looked at him " Uh.. No..Well at least not any time soon. Give me a few years, then we can talk about it. Now is not a good time to be asking me that. I mean I did just go throught several hours of labor and delivered that girl with no drugs." Ned looked at her "Well..Does that mean we can't practice. I mean, at least until we decided when it's time to have another one?" Alexis puts her finger to her cheek thinking. " That's not a wise question to ask me right now. Right now, I want you to stay away from me" he gets up and starts to walk away. "Hey where ya going with my baby" she said "You t! old me to stay away from you"  he simply replied. She squints her eyes at him and cocks her head to the side" You know what I meant. I mean no (whispering so little Kristen couldn't hear) S word for you anytime soon" "Oh that kind of stay away from you..Oh Okay, I got it. But I know you, you won't be able to hold out all that long" He walked back over to her " Oh really..I guess we will just have to see about that won't we, Mr Ashton" Alexis said with a seductive sile on her face. Ned chuckled as he gave Kristen back to Alexis and he laid down beside them, He wrapped them both in his arms Kissing Alexis on the forehead. A big grin spread across his face, dimples in perfect view " I have to be the luckiest man in the world, I have a lovely wife, a gorgeous daughter, I have two of the most beautiful women in the entire world in my life. It can't get any better than this" he said before Alexis and Kristen dosed off to sleep.