(Women are on the factory floor unwrapping Wonka Bars.  
     The Salts are upstairs in an office.)

VERUCA: I wanted to be the first to find a Golden Ticket, 

MR. SALT: I know, Angel.  We're doing the best we can.  I've 
got every girl on the bleeding staff hunting for you.

VERUCA: All right, where is it?  Why haven't they found it?  

MR. SALT: Veruca, sweetheart, I'm not a magician!  Give me 

VERUCA:  I want it now!  What's the matter with those twerps 
down there?

MR. SALT: For five days now the entire flipping factory's 
been on the job.  They haven't shelled a peanut in there 
since Monday.  They've been shelling flaming chocolate bars 
from dawn to dusk.

VERUCA: Make 'em work nights.

MR. SALT: (shouting down the stairs) Come along, come along, 
you girls, put a jack in it or you'll be out on your ears, 
every one of you!  And listen to this: the first girl that 
finds a Golden Ticket gets a one pound bonus in her pay 
bucket!  What do you think of that?

     (The women scream and begin unwrapping more furiously.)

VERUCA: They're not even trying.  They don't want to find 
it.  They're jealous of me.

MR. SALT: Sweetheart, I can't push 'em no harder.  Nineteen 
thousand bars an hour they're shelling.  Seven hundred and 
sixty thousand they've done so far.

VERUCA: You promised, Daddy!  You promised I'd have it the 
very first day!

MRS. SALT: You're going to very unpopular around here, 
Henry, if you don't deliver soon.

MR. SALT: It breaks my heart, Henrietta.  I hate to see her 

VERUCA: I won't talk to you ever again. You're a rotten, 
mean father.  You never give me anything I want.  And I 
won't go to school 'til I have it.

MR. SALT: Veruca, sweetheart, angel . . .  Now.  There are 
only four tickets left in the whole world, and the whole 
ruddy world's hunting for them.  What can I do?

WORKER: I got it!  I got it, Mr. Salt, here it is!

VERUCA: It's about time too!  I want it!

     (Slugworth leads the worker up the stairs to Veruca.)

VERUCA: Give me that ticket!  It's mine!  I've found a 
Golden Ticket!

     (Slugworth whispers in Veruca's ear.)

MR. SALT: Thank God for that.

MRS. SALT: Aye.  Happiness is what counts with children. 
Happiness and harmony.