Many thanks for all the caring people who

                  sent such wonderful awards ! I cannot believe

                I am fortunate enough to have to start an new





                   Thank you for having me join in the Friends around

                    the world! It will be wonderful to see this award

displayed "ALL OVER THE WORLD"




                        Thank you so much ShyAnn for sending this beautiful

                         Angel award! If you want to see angels and awesome

   pages visit her site!!



                   Thank you so much Silvana for this lovely award!!

      If you want great graphics visit her site!!



                        What a pretty award!! Many thanks to Tiffanie! She has an awesome site! You should really take a visit! 




                 Thank You so much Willie for this awesome award. It is 

                   Beautiful!! Take a visit to Willie's site !Meet his wonderful 





                   Beautiful!! Thank you Sylvia!! Take a visit to Sylvia's terrific 

                site!! You can see her beauty shine through !!!!



                            Thank you Sharla Rose for the beautiful awards. I                        am  honored!! Visit her site it is wonderful!!



                         Thank you Bill for your wonderful award!!  He has a GREAT informative site!!




                    Thank you Andrea for this beautiful award!!

             Visit Andrea she has an awesome site!!!!



                            Special Thanks to Jamie for this beautiful friendship

                            award!!!!I am honoured!!! Visit Jamie she has a 

beautiful site!! June 28,2000




                     Thanks to Gidge for this wonderful award!! Visit her 

                       beautiful  site for lots of enjoyment!! August 13th, 2000



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