

Courage to face tomorrow,

Love that is clean and pure,

Faith that clings to simple things,

Hope that is strong and sure;

Strength when the storm clouds gather,

A heart that will soon forgive...

This is the gold your heart will hold,

These are the things that live!

Oh, for a spot that slumbers

Warm in the evening sun;

Oh, for a gate where dear ones wait

After the race is run;

Oh, for a peace-filled garden

With roots in the good brown loam..

Behind each hill they call me still,

The sun-splashed walls of home!

Songs you sang in the twilight,

The warm sweet smell of the land,

A love-filled face by the fireplace,

The touch of a loving hand;

A kiss from the lips of someone

That no other lips can give...

This is the gold your heart will hold,

These are the things that live!

by Carey Holbrook



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