Jesus Loves Me!
                             Copyright (C) 11th Dec 2003 by Noelene Rout All Rights Reserved

Domestic Violence is not a matter for courts, or the Police. Domestic violence is a matter for Christians.

Where there is domestic violence there are devils who have, and are, causing sin between that couple,
devils are then telling those sins to the couple in order to upset, and separate, them, that couple, (that

The person who is doing the hitting, is striking out at
the devil within the other person, who, is verbally
insulting, upsetting, hurting, belittling, degrading, accusing, and or condemning, that person in order
  to get rid of him or her.

Devils show naked pictures of the body of one or both persons in a sinful marital relationship, to another
person or persons, the devil within that other person or persons will then sexually arouse that other
person or persons and get them to masturbate themselves to those pictures. That or those persons are
then guilty of adultery..Matthew 5:28..There is also sin within the spouse, because that spouses body
was exposed to the masterbator.
*The devil then repeatedly tells the other person in the marital relation-
ship that so and so has had sex with, or committed adultery with the partner. The person who is
repeatedly told of the incident starts to get upset, and accusations which lead to arguments are hurled
about, and domestic violence ensues.

The devils want children born into the world in a state of sin. Devils can only live in sinners. Devils want
life from birth. Devils train their meat from within from birth.

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

If someone is unfaithful in a marital relationship, the devils tell it, even if it is only in thought.
If one of
the couple is raped, the devils will say something like,
"he (or they) had sex with her and she just laid
there and did nothing about it!
" the devil will go into detail, in order to upset the other spouse, and
cause arguments, that lead to violent disputes.
Devils twist and distort the truth.

Never have sex with your sleeping wife, the devils will tell her you raped her, in order to separate you.

Devils use talebearing to separate people from people for many evil reasons.

Devils enter into your body and make you angry. If you are very upset and feel like abusing, or striking
someone, separate yoursef from that person, go to a quiet place, and
call out to God through Jesus
Christ to help you.
Take up the Bible and read it until you calm down. Buy the Bible on CD and put the
Cd on, and keep it playing, to drive the devils out of you, and your house.
Devils work in packs to
bring down their
meat (prey).

*The devil will even tell the partner of the masturbator, in order to separate that persons partner from the
person whose picture was displayed.


From the time that a child is born, that child is accumulating wealth, which over the years of the child's
life is freely given away by a parent, parents, guardian, or guardians.

It is a child's right to retain their wealth for their own personal, and or future use.

A person who gives away the belongings of a child, or children, is guilty of stealing from that
child, or those children.

Parents and guardians should store away, and safely protect, each one of their childrens wealth.

When young persons get married and set up their own homes, those young persons then require, their
own, accumulated weatlh.