Jesus Christ and God are Two Separate Beings

How do I know that Jesus Christ and God are two separate beings?

   Jesus Christ and God are two separate beings..John 8:42..
How do I know that Jesus Christ
   and God are two separate beings?
I know that Jesus Christ and God are two separate beings
Jesus Christ came down from God in heaven..John 3:13..John 6:38,39,42..John 8:42..
   John 16:27,28..John 17:8..
God sent Jesus Christ to the earth..John 6:38,39..John 7:16..John
   8:42..John 14:24..
Jesus Christ came to the earth to do the will of God in heaven..John 6:38,39
Jesus Christ spoke God's words..John 7:16..John 12:49,50..John 14:24..John 17:8..Jesus
   Christ died, and God
[the Father..Galatians 1:1..the Father of glory..Ephesians 1:17,20] raised
   him from the dead
..John 13:30..Acts 17:30,31..Romans 10:9..Galatians 1:1..Ephesians 1:17,20
Jesus Christ was going back to God in heaven..John 16:28..John 13:1,3..John 17:1,11..Jesus
Christ was to be [glorified] (crowned King of Israel) given the throne of his Father David..
   Luke 1:31,32..
Jesus Christ was carried up into heaven..Luke 24:51..Jesus Christ was seen
   being taken up into heaven
..Acts 1:9-11..Daniel saw Jesus Christ carried with the
  clouds of heaven to the Ancient of Days..Daniel 7:13,14..Jesus Christ is in heaven
..John 3:13..Acts 7:55,56..Hebrews 1:3..Ephesians 1:17,20..Hebrews 4:14..Jesus Christ is a
   great high priest in heaven
..Hebrews 4:14..Jesus Christ is in heaven seated at the right hand
   of God
..Hebrews 1:3..Ephesians 1:17,20..Jesus Christ was seen in heaven standing
  at the right hand of God,
by Stephen who was full of the Holy Ghost at the time!..Acts
Jesus Christ [was glorified] received power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength,
   and honour, and glory, and blessing
..Revelation 6:12..Jesus Christ said all power in heaven
   and earth had been delivered to him
..Matthew 28:18-20..Daniel saw the Ancient of
Days [glorify] give Jesus Christ dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that
  all people, nations, and languages, should serve him:
..Daniel 7:13,14

Jesus Christ said he and God were one..John 10:30..John 17:11..Jesus Christ
  said God was within him
..John 10:38..Amos 3:3 says "Can two walk together except
  they be agreed?"..
God and Jesus Christ walk together as one because they

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