The Kowaii Kingdom
Fanfiction New Archive
This is the new archive of fanfictions.
Any new pieces will most likely be put up here.
Yuuta, the little reindeer
Projects:                            Progress:
Once More With Tennis     Project on hold
Castle Chronicles              Discontinued.

Important notice:
all my writing projects were lost when my pc lost all my files for the second time around. Therefore, "Castle Chronicles" ceases to exist, but for scribbled notes in my writing pad. I will definately re-write it, but with other things, I have not had the time (nor inspiration) to start again.
However, I have been writing more fanfiction during this time, and should have at least the first chapters of one of those up soon. As always, i'll keep you posted in this section.
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Twisted fate
The secret lives of seigaku regulars!