FROM: Gavroche Magazine, Bangkok
TITLE: Anguished Love Affairs
With "Hello My Big Big Honey!" journalist Richard S. Ehrlich and documentalist Dave Walker, penetrate the intimate relationship which unites Bangkok's
bar girls and their "farangs".
To affectionate nicknames ("sweet cuddles",
"my mosquito") the girls from the go-go bars
reply "money," "a better life".
Some foreigners understand the message, "When I'm rich, I'll buy you a helicopter," others sink into despair, "I would like to be your dog, just to have the right to raise my eyes and look at you".
The abundance of letters comes close to
being indigestible however, and to read
"Hello My Big Big Honey!" at one sitting leaves the reader drunk on ardent declarations.
Despite everything, the book is a meticulously
carried-out survey, entirely free of the
greasy imprint of voyeurism.
The non-fiction book of interviews, documentation and investigative journalism, titled: "Hello My Big Big Honey!" Love Letters to Bangkok Bar Girls and Their Revealing Interviews
is at: