Here is my version of some of Jules Verne's books. The aim here has been to provide a single file version suitable for offline viewing as well as online. If you do not want to wait for the entire file to load, click the "stop" button and the partial html will appear.

  1. Five Weeks in a Balloon (1869) HTML version. V001 in the T&M numerical listing of Verne's works. This is the translation of "William Lackland" first published by Appleton.
  2. A Journey into the Interior of the Earth (1877). V002 in the T&M listing of Verne's works. This is the Ward-Lock translation by Frederick Amadeus Malleson. Graphics have now been added to this HTML version.
  3. The Blockade Runners (1874) HTML version. V008 in the T&M Numerical listing of Verne's works. The translation is by "N. d'Anvers", pseudonymn of Mrs. Arthur Bell (d. 1933).
  4. The Fur Country 1874 HTML version. The Fur Country (Number V010 in the T&M numerical listing of Verne's works) is a translation of Le Pays de fourrures (1873) first published in England by Sampson and Low and in the United States by James Osgood (1874). The translation is by N. d'Anvers, a pseudonym for Mrs. Arthur Bell (d. 1933) who also translated other works of Jules Verne.
  5. The Mysterious Island 1876   (HTML). The Mysterious Island (Number V013 in the T&M numerical listing of Verne's works) is a translation of L'Île mystérieuse (1874) This translation by Stephen W. White was first published in the Newark Evening Telegraph and as a reprint book. This is the only complete and accurate public domain translation, now available to the public after 127 years.
  6. Robur the Conqueror (1911) V030 in the T&M listing of Verne's works. Text version, anonymous translation first published by Sampson and Low (1877)as The Clipper of the Clouds and later by Parke (1911).
  7. Master of the World (1911) V054 in the T&M listing of Verne's works. Text version; anonymous translation first published in the 15 volume Parke Edition of Verne's works.

Following is an Access database and Excel spreadsheet of Verne's works as extracted from the Jules Verne Encyclopedia. The Volume number, (V001, etc), English Title, Year of Publication, French Title, No. of illustrations, and Illustrators are included.

  1. Verne.mdb Access Database (130 kB)
  2. BookList.xls Excel Spreadsheet (26kB)
  3. Verne.zip Zip file of both (40kB)
  4. BookList.txt Comma delimited file for importing into other database systems (8kB)
  5. Taves&Mich Handy 2 page printable list of Verne books showing V###, english title, date,french title, and No. of illustrations

Updated August 24, 2003

My Email address is nwolcott2@post.harvard.edu