This WEB site is an information link to the various issues in the Village. 


"The truth is, all might be free if they valued freedom, and defended it as they ought. ... The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil constitution, are worth defending at all hazards: And it is our duty to defend them against all attacks." --Samuel Adams



The Salvation Army and other charities can use your help. They are with us on the front lines administering to the needs of those killed, injured and left grieving. Please Help.


Have something to say, write your NORTHBROOK VILLAGE ELECTED OFFICIALS: <<< Write them today!


Current Topics:

Downtown Riverwalk! What is it and does Northbrook need it? Northbrook has spent 2 million dollars so far and might spend an additional 14 million to complete the project. Write the Trustee's and ask them for more information. 

GOOD NEWS -- Village Board removed restrictions on Northbrook gun-owners. At the May 22nd 2001 board meeting, the Board passed an ordinance that removed the restriction on kids under 18 from ever touching a firearm. Previously Northbrook law made it illegal for a kid under 18 to handle a firearm or ammunition unless they were at an indoor range and with a firearm instructor. There are no indoor ranges in Northbrook and it was illegal for a Parent to supervise a kid, in their home, doing basic firearm maintenance. With the new ordinance, these restrictions have been removed and now a kid under 18 must have the approval of the parent. For the history of this ordinance click here.




Informational Links: 
 National Rifle Association
 Illinois State Rifle Association
 Northbrook Citizens for Responsible Firearm Ownership
 Legislative Alerts
 News for Real Americans
 Additional Gun Info from





Source information for this page is the Village of Northbrook, Il WEB page. Village of Northbrook meetings.


This page was last updated on 09/26/01.