Our home is kind of crazy, "most of the time". It is inhabited by myself, one tweenie, one Queen (Tessa), and one Princess (Mocha, aka: Biddy). There are always lots of power struggles in our kingom, and i'm usually the one who retreats. |
We'd like to welcome ya'll to our Virtual home. Feel free to pull up a chair, sit back and take a journey into the lives of one mad animal house, EVER, to be inhabited by some of the most unusual characters, who's personalities (sometimes in multiples), often raise social challenges, beyond any individual's belief. You will hear about stories that will make you laugh, or make you cry, yet each one will, without a doubt, make you stop and think. |
At times, it may seem like our family is dysfunctional beyond all hope, or that we are lacking the one emotion (love), we as humans, MUST have, in order to live a long, meaningful, and productive life. I assure you, while we sometimes have a difficult time expressing our love for one another, it is not altogether absent from our lives. Hopefully, it is that characteristic, in us all, that will not let us forget what family means to us. |
Disclaimer: This website is designed and authored by myself. It's intended purpose is to share pictures, ideas, and subjects of interest with my friends, family, and the general public. Any graphics that I have "borrowed" from individual artists have been dully noted and appreciated. To the best of my knowledge, any copy righted materials have been obtained according to the explicit regulations of each source. I do not in any way, shape, or form, incurr any financial gains from this website or it's contents. |
Click "Enter" to go to the "Table Of Contents" page. |
Background music is "Sounds Of Silence" by Simon & Garfunkel |
You are welcome to email me about anything pertaining to this website. I ask that when composing your email, please include a "subject" in your heading, so that I know you are a legitimate individual, and not SPAM. |
Notice: My virtual cookbook section is under renovation. Please excuse the mess while I continue to clean it up. |
I'm pleased to announce that my website is back up and running again. Most of the important pages are fixed, hopefully. I will continue fixing other pages and adding them as I go. |
Thank you for your patience! |