About Us
About NorthernArizonaActors.com

     Have you ever wondered how you could be an extra? Being an extra is a lifetime
experience for anyone who loves movies. They are used all over the world for film, commercials,
TV shows, music videos, brochures, and many other visual mediums. Extras are ordinary people
from all walks of life of all ages, shapes, and sizes. Some actors got a first big break by being an
extra, however, this a very rare occurrence. But you never know what can happen so we don’t
promise instant fame, but we do however provide the best exposure available through technology
  via the worldwide web and persons that are involved in the first person such as working professionals in the heart of it all.

Are you a talent agency, film company, independent filmmaker, or anyone need in need
of people for a project?  Please contact us for our help in choosing the extra’s for your project.  All our extras are professionals we choose the best candidates for representing us and themselves.

NorthernArizonaActors.com is a non-profit venture with a new and unique method of providing exposure
for creative people in Arizona and other areas by affording reasonable access to the Internet
and various casting, talent agencies, other production services and the general public. There is no limitations on skill levels, disciplines or catagories of these individuals.

     No guarantees or promises are being made here. Only the chance to be seen by the world is
being offered. NorthernArizonaActors.com is NOT a casting agency or a talent agency, nor is it acting as
an agent of any related business. It is only an intermediary between the artist and other entities.
         For those individuals desiring to join NorthernArizonaActors.com check out the How to Join area or
require further information, please write or email at the following:
Thank you for your interest.
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Frequently Asked Questions our members have asked before they were members)