(Frequently Made Comments)

1   I'm not the movie star type.
    There is no set "type" that is in the movies, that is a fallacy
    perpetuated by the press. What it boils down to is the general
    image of the character that the writer had in mind and who the
    director and casting director can actually find to fit that
    character's image. This is true for ANY person in the entertainment
    field, actors or extras.

2   I'm not that good looking enough to be in the movies.
    Who is? Many celebrities are really not all that good looking, and
    that includes the women celebrities. The old adage plays especially
    true here: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

3   I'm too old to be in the movies.
    This may be true if you are 80 years old desiring to be an action
    star like Mel Gibson. However, if you're only concerned with being
    an extra, then ANY age is appropriate.

4   I don't know if I can get off work to do a film.
    If you join or ANY casting or talent agency,
    you have the responsiblity to make yourself available. That's why
    you signed up in the first place. You have the option of accepting
    or rejecting any offer that comes your way.
    is only giving you worldwide exposure to better the possibilities
    of being seen and chosen for a project.

5   I'm not tall enough, pretty enough, rich enough etc etc.
    See comment #2

6   I don't know if I can do it.
This is probably the best comment ever. You'll never know if you
don't try. To paraphrase someone: If you try and fail, you already
won, HOWEVER, if you don't try, you ALREADY failed.  Overcoming shyness
or public speaking is something one must face and either overcome or make an
acceptable substitute to work through your personal barrier.

7   I have no talent or skills.
    That is simply not true. Everyone has something to give in one way
    or another. You never know what will happen on a project and what
    people or talents may be needed. So try it, what do you have to