Family Website

Connecting Northridges around the world!
At present, you can find information on the 2004 reunion, Northridge genealogy, and Irish history relating to our ancestors throughout this site's many pages.  Keep visiting; we add more daily!  Watch this Spring for a
"Northridge Library" section -- photos, maps, images, and resources for you to search your family's past!
REUNION - 2004
If you have pieces of the Northridge family tree, or if you'd like more information concerning the Northridge family, please feel free to email any of the family researchers listed below:

Mike Northridge
Bruce Northridge
Jere Northridge
Leslie Brown
PHOTOS! A little behind on your Irish history & geography as it relates to the Northridge genealogy?  Jump here to the "Ireland 101" page!
Saturday, July 17, 2004
Sturbridge, Mass.
this link for a
re-cap of the fun as well as several photos
of the event!
County of Cork, Ireland
The family history has been traced to County Cork, Ireland, in the early 1800's.  From County Cork, our ancestors spread to Canada; Worcester, Mass.; New York City; and Australia!
If you have pieces of family history -- photos, portions of a tree, scans of excerpts from family bibles, obituaries, etc. --
Please consider offering those for sharing with your fellow Northridge descendants!

Please forward your contributions to:
Jere Northridge
** This page last updated 11/22/2004 by Jere Northridge **
Watch for these future updates:
     - The addition of the family tree!
     - Maps, documents, photos, and more
          in the soon-to-be-added Northridge Library!