
This website is designed to be constantly changing. Therefore it is difficult to thank everyone for the contributions that they have had in it's development.

But having said that I would like to thank one special person. In November of 1995, after twenty-five years of crossdressing, I finally found the courage to share my secret. I knew that I was possibly jeapodizing a four year relationship, but I had to take the risk.

My crossdressing was accepted immediately, and we have used it to strengthen our relationship, and bring some spice into it as well. We have worked crossdressing into various parts of our lives like vacations and socializing with other crossdressing couples.

More than a year has past since the birth of Lisa. When I have the opportunity to dress, I know that the experience will be shared with a wonderful person. And this has added much more pleasure to a very important part of my life.

Since I developed this site I have become engaged and am currently married. The Honeymoon was wonderful and Lisa had the opportunity to dust off her dancing shoes and explore another city. Check out the photos.

I take on the challenge of developing this website to tell a little about myself and my experiences. And I hope to be helpful and informative as well. I have met a number of wonderful people in various ways over the years. Some in person, others through e-mail or chat lines on the internet. I thank the countless number of people that have supplied me with friendship and advise. This site is dedicated to all of you.

North Shore Lisa.
Copyright © 2000[My Personal Website]. All rights reserved.
Revised: March 15, 2000.