Samantha~Jane our Rescued Dane
We rescued Samantha~Jane October 28th 2001 with the help of the GDC of WNY's then Rescue. We agreed to be a foster home for Samantha~Jane, and thus fell in love with this poor mixed-up girl. She is the victim of a careless back-yard breeder from Iowa that obviously bred a Harl bred Dane with a Brindle/Fawn bred dane resulting in Samantha's unique coat color of Merled spots, and with Fawn/Brindling stripes!
Samantha~Jane was turned in by her prior owners unable to keep her any longer with MANY behavioral issues we have had to live through and iron out. She currently is 19 months old and is 90% better now than when she arrived late October 2001.
She came to us at just #96, has really ate well, and filled in nicely though we suspect that with this girls high energy, she'll remain trim most of her life no matter how wonderfully she continues to eat. She is now about #120 and PURE muscle!
We often call her "Super-Sam" as she can leap tall things with a single bound. She likes to leap over our furniture, and our other 2 Danes or anything that stands in her way for that matter!! She appears to have a dysfunction in her rear-end or hips somewhere, but it doesn't seem to cause any pain or problems walking or running as we have had the extreme pleasure to chase her a few times, and she truly is a "Super(fast)Sam"!!
John decided in Feburary that Samantha~Jane needed to stay here with us as her forever-home as her issues were too many to dump off on anyone else, and she was learning to love and trust us. Fortunately she came to us spayed and will never have to worry about being abused again. She has taken obedience classes, but was still dealing with her problems she was raised with the first 9 months of her life and was a bit too hard for my son to teach in his 4-H obedience classes, thus I continue to train her at home and hope someday to be able to CGC, TDI this very loving, sweet Great Dane.
We are so glad Samantha~Jane has come into our lives and has taught us so much about Great Dane Rescue and the problems of Rescued Danes.
I would like to ask that all Harl Dane breeders or anyone considering breeding their pet Dane to please use the utmost of caution breeding and dispersing of their offspring as they may carry many recessesive traits undesirable in Great Danes, and may not be spayed/nutered and thus be bred by the new owners adding to the current puppy-mill/rescue problem we have with our breed. Over 90% of Rescue Danes are of Harl breedings, I am not just singeling out harl breeders as being back-yard breeders. Rescues do come in ALL colors!  Give your love, Save A DANE!
at 13 months.
Always a true
Dane in her
Character, but
always the one
the attention she can get!
What a HAM!
Samantha Jane pictured here on Christmas day 2004 wearing her daddy's new hat! Sammy is pretty spoiled and has a good life. Sam's room is the "den" in our home with a fireplace to warm her tootsies when it's cold. Samantha suffers from arthritis in her hips, knees and left ankle joints. She has quite a hard time getting up and down at times. She gets regular medicines for this and we try to give her a nice padded loveseat to rest the achy bones.
She still thinks she is the fastest Dane in the house and will challenge any of them out in the yard! She has more will in her little dew claw than most people have their whole bodies. This is what I beleive keeps Sammy going. Though she's only 4 1/2 some days she must feel like 12 1/2 by the way she moves. She is the smartest Dane in the house and opens doors, gates, turns on water fawcets.
Despite all she still is able to give her favorite person her daddy a royal greeting every evening he comes home from work!
Sam in the snow 3/2005 @ 4 1/2 yrs. old
Sammy's UnderCover Work.
She covered herself up here...