
Whoa... what's with the hair and the face? Oh well... it's the rest of him that counts. ^_~

This pic was scanned out of "Extreme Collector's Guide" magazine. It's marked with my URL for a reason. Mimbo is MINE!

Muse :  A source of inspiration.

Trinity Blue has Tapion... Ice Queen has Nappa... 

I... have Mimbo. 

Mimbo :  A male bimbo.

I've gotten numerous emails questioning Mimbo's existence. So, I decided to make a little section about him. If any guys are reading this... this would be a good time to turn back. ^_~

Basically, Mimbo is my muse. He stands behind me and inspires me to write. Once and a while, he'll even steal the keyboard and write something of his own... especially when Tapion and Nappa are present. He likes conspiring with them. 

Mimbo is Trunks, but at the same time... he isn't. He doesn't talk like Trunks or act like Trunks... but genetically, he is the same man. Consider him an A/U Trunks. However, I've taken the liberty of changing his name to Mimbo. Trunks belongs to Pan... and I don't want Mimbo getting any ideas. >=\ Mimbo is sort of an.... indentured servant, if you will. I took him in and fed him. As soon as he works off what he owes me, he's free to go... Until then, he's mine. He cleans for me, cooks for me (though not often... the only thing he can make is grilled cheese) and helps me write. I also have a Gohan muse. He doesn't like to help me with "Waiting" though. He feels weird about it being a romance between his daughter and Trunks. Gohan's waiting for me to start "Wanting"... which is a fic I've had on my mind about him and Videl. Then, there's Quatre... He's my music muse. He's been taking a looooooong vacation.... which is why the music for Trin's TEE radio play isn't ready yet. =\ *Weakly* Come back, Quatre... come back....

Anywho, for those of you who haven't been completely repulsed, or are stuck staring at the pic above... here's Mimbo's story. It's a short one... but it'll help you understand my mentality... and the day that Mimbo showed up on my doorstep.


It all started on a night last fall. Two friends of mine and I were sitting in my basement, casually watching the episodes I had recorded off of Cartoon Network since Jai (the guy of the group) didn't have cable. Up until that time, Jai had mixed feelings about Trunks' character. He thought he was a good fighter, but he liked Gohan and Vegeta better. Gohan was stronger and Vegeta had all the cool lines. Then there were the androids... which Jai and I dressed up as for Halloween, but we won't go into that.

So, we watched our episodes, content in our little world... making jokes about Cell's sexuality... ect., ect., ect. Suddenly the scene came on where Trunks and Vegeta walk out of the Room of Spirit and Time/Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Of course, my other friend (who's a girl) and I began to make cat calls and wolf whistles as Trunks walked out of the room, strutting his stuff like he was some kind of model. He had long hair and an expression on his face that made the ice cream I was eating at the time melt into a puddle of goo.

Jai had a rather disgusted look on his face. I'm pretty sure it was because of all the racket my gal friend and I were making, but I asked him what was wrong anyway. He told me that we were being annoying. Well, I told him to shove off... After all, Trunks is worth it. Then, he asked me what made this Trunks different from what he looked like before the ROSAT.

"Simple," I stated, "Torn clothes + long hair = yummy."

That's when he promptly left the room.

A few days later, I was showing Jai my site. At the time, there was the popular pic of Trunks taking off his jacket on one of my main pages. Jai had the look of disgust on his face again. Once more, I asked him what was wrong.

He told me he had more respect for Trunks with shorter hair. With longer hair, he looked like a... Mimbo. Well, from that day on, I knew I had a muse. Jai was right though... long haired Trunks looks like one of those male models who have soup for brains. Am I complaining? Noooooo.... I'm just turning the table on all of those guys who make a big deal out of the half naked Sailor Sensi, so I'd BETTER not get any "Oh, you're so sexist remarks."

Anywho, to this very day, I still send Jai emails with the picture of long haired Trunks taking off his jacket. I just love watching him break out in spasms of annoyance. ^_^


This has been another useless rant. Annoyed? Then you shouldn't have clicked on the button now, right?!


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