Noseless Wonder’s Ego Trip

You’re here… you must be insane… or bored… but that’s okay… insanity and boredom are always welcome with me. ^_^

The layout for this little ego trip was sort of taken from Trinity Blue’s “About Me” page. I didn’t really know where to start, so I blatantly took her formula. Uh... thanks TB! Ah... I'll tell her later. *Whistles innocently.* ^_^;;;


Internet Life


What's in a Name?

Every so often I get an email asking me where I got the screen name "Noseless Wonder". Well, a friend and I... who had just learned of Gohan's transformation to "The Great Saiyaman", were sitting around in the midst of a sugar high one night. We always considered to have a relationship parallel to Krillin and Chibi Gohan in the Namek saga. I was the older, only slightly wiser, comic relief. She was the young one who sort of needed a protector once and a while. (She's two years younger than me) 

We were sitting around trying to think of Super-hero names for our favorite characters. (Me and my Super-hero fetish) I forget what the others were... my memory's not that great when I've been pumped full of raw sugar. Anywho, it was either me or her that came up with Noseless Wonder for Krillin... it stuck. I was trying to come up with a unique screen name for when I decided to call myself by it. I didn't want to use my real name... and "Pan" had been taken by hundreds of others... so it's what I chose. Looking back, it was a wise decision. It's unique enough for me to be able to open up a mail account without having to use numbers behind it... and people will remember it. ^_^ 


Strange Obsessions With Weird Cartoons

I've always loved cartoons. I can remember a day where I HATED any reality TV. My favorite characters were always Marvin the Martian and Taz from the Warner Brother's cartoons. My favorite Warner Bros. Producer was Friz Freeling... who often inserted his name somewhere in the background of all of his cartoons... Gotta love a looney guy with an ego. ^_^

Anime didn't come into the picture for a long time. Only a few years back, in fact. I used to like Thunder Cats and Speed Racer though. I never knew until recently that they were considered Animes. Actually, I wasn't allowed to watch Thunder Cats, so we'll just keep that quiet. One day, I was sitting in my room watching Cartoon Network... hoping that "Dextor's Laboratory" would be coming on soon. *Cough* Another looney guy with an ego *cough*  It wasn't. That day, was one of CN's first DBZ marathons. I watched it for nearly five hours straight and became fascinated. I NEEDED to see what was going to happen. I remember being confused... because I knew Gohan was Goku's son, but I didn't know where this "Kakarott" came into the picture. Then there was Vegeta... I never imagined cartoons could be anatomically correct and was rather shocked by it... *Darn that tight, revealing spandex he wears!*

Anywho, I quickly learned that DBZ was an Anime... which are cartoons based off of Japanese comics... Suddenly, my eyes were opened... and my wallet and imagination were never the same. I don't really watch any other animes... except for a bit of Tenchi Muyo and however much of Sailor Moon I can take without being given an aneurysm from Serena's personality. I spend too much money on DBZ as it is... the last thing I need is another obsession. *Sigh* Too many DVD's out there... Not enough money to spend on them.


Fanatical Fan Fiction

Before my little *cough* DBZ obsession, came *you'd better not make fun of me!* Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. Okay... I was like... 12! You can't blame me! It's true though... I used to write fan fiction about Superman. If you think about it, Lois and Clark are just like Gohan and Videl... which is probably why G&V are my favorite couple. You wouldn't BELIEVE the plot I wrote about them though... I guess this is another reason why I love DBZ so much. 

I used to write about Lois and Clark's future daughter coming to the past to warn them of impending doom. She had a sword... and worked for some sort of technical company who developed time traveling capabilities. -_-;; Don't mock me! She even had super powers... and was one-half Kryptonian. Her name was Aurora for "New Beginnings". (Hey, I had SOME brains back then.) She was to help build a new "Utopia". You'd understand if you ever watched the show. 

It was a Mary Sue, I'll admit that, but this was a story I was planning to just keep to myself. I wrote it for fun and only fun. We didn't even have a computer back then, so posting and learning on the net was impossible. Plus, I was 12, give me a break! I was actually thinking of posting it here... horrific twelve year-old grammar and everything, but I can't find the notebook I used to write in. I think I might have thrown it away. 

When DBZ came into the picture, it was all about Goku/Chichi. I actually dreamt up a Vegeta/Chichi fic once... but that was before I even saw the ending of the Namekian saga and knew NOTHING of the character's and their true personalities, or the future plots that would take place in the show. Let's all rejoice that  I didn't actually write it. ^___^

Anywho, then we got a computer. I quickly learned who the "weird man with purple hair who was looking at Vegeta" was in the opening credits. (I actually watched the Spanish version for a morning fix)  I HATED him at first... he bugged me. I thought he was a bad guy too. Then I learned he was Bulma and Vegeta's son. I went berserk... and knew that I HAD to watch the episodes after the Namek saga. 

The first non-V/B and G/CC fic I ever read was "Automatic Flowers" by Rayne. After I had learned about Pan, I never even imagined her and Trunks together. This fic changed my thinking though. After realizing what an unlikely couple they were, I became a crazed T&P fan... falling in love with the coupling almost instantly due to the 'taboo' nature of the romance. 

A few months later, I developed a story line that I thought would be kind of cool to write down... so I did.



 After becoming a crazed T&P fan and learning EVERYTHING I could about the series... I developed a story line. I studied and read HUNDREDS of T&P fics... getting to know what kind of stories other people had written and how exactly they depicted the two characters personality wise. I never was a G&B fan. From the beginning, I knew I had to be different than the other 99.9 percent of the T&P fics out there in order to really accomplish the creative out pouring I was hoping for. This would require writing in character stories with strange plots and un-expected couplings. I sketched an outline, (Which looks NOTHING like the fic actually does, by the way) using all of the romance I hope for in my own life, all the science fiction know-how seven years of intensive "Star Trek" viewing gave me and all of my personal quirks inserted into every character.  

I wrote the first and second chapters in a notebook that has long since been lost in my friend's motor home. I didn't really revise it or check it over, which is probably why it stinks so much. ^^;; I'm going to re-write the first seven chapters someday. They need to be checked over and expanded a bit. I posted the first two chapters, combined, on first... and got a total of seven reviews. (Don't get me wrong, seven reviews was a lot more than I was expecting. I was elated to have so many people enjoy it.) Of course, more came later as the story progressed. That was a year and a half ago! That's a long time... If you remember me from those days, then you're one of the elders of the Internet world. The only Internet person I still know from back then is Trinity Blue.

Since then, I've gotten 310 reviews on more will probably come in.


The Site

Originally, my friend (Chibi Gohan) and I had a joint site entitled "Worship and Sparring". It was a site about God and DBZ. =\ I'm not sure what kind of sugar we were consuming back then... we weren't responsible for our actions. We had it on this free server that wouldn't allow you to edit anything but a link or two and add one picture. It also had an insanely long URL. I ventured out on to the web to find us a shorter URL and an easier server. I stumbled across Anime Network and started building. The first version was amazingly dull... It had my first two chapters on it... and that was it. I hardly even said anything to welcome anyone. I did put up a commonly used picture of the GT crew and a counter though... I think some of you might remember that. My first fic that I hosted that I DIDN'T write was "The Trouble With School" by Saiya-jin Scholar. More came quickly... and I'm still waiting for more. ^_^

Honestly, I never expected or even dreamed to come close to receiving the kind of attention I have with this site. I was extremely surprised and ecstatic to see that my page had 20 hits when I knew I only accounted for 15 of them... I have yet to accept the fact that I'm nearing 20,000 hits. I don't know where you've all come from... but I'm glad you're here. When I hit 1,000 I remember, I was ready to celebrate... I began wondering if my counter was malfunctioning. I even got another brand and eventually, a tracker just to make sure.

If you're actually curious, I build this site mostly using Front Page. I know how to edit HTML enough to build one from scratch using a simple text editor (thanks to Trinity Blue's teaching capabilities) but Front Page is a LOT faster. I never built this site for appearance anyway, so simple links, pics and buttons will do for me.

I make the story banners using a REALLY cheap pic editor and Adobe PhotoShop 4.0. I do this so that each story will individually leave a mental picture in the reader's mind. For the visually orientated, such as myself, it adds eye-candy to the hard work the authors have put in to writing their fics. Plus, all authors who have their works posted here know that they can take the banners to use on their own site if they want. It's sort of an award for their work.   


Real Life


Why Writing?

Why not? I had a friend who once said, "All you need to live an enjoyable, successful life is God and a creative outlet." 

I find these to be wise words on many levels. Every one needs some sort of creative outlet to keep them going. Even the most left-brained people tend to take up one or two forms of artistic expression. I have a friend who's studying to be an Engineer. He's largely left brained, yet even he plays several instruments and enjoys relaxing with his favorite composer playing in the background. If you don't have something going for you to where you can display some sort of creative talent, I suggest you find one. 

I also play in a band, sing and study piano. I don't think it'll ever be my calling, or something that I can be good enough to make money for doing... but I enjoy it a lot. It's invigorating, and it teaches me more than I ever could have ever imagined. 

Honestly, most of my day is spent in front of the computer, or with a notebook in my hand. I love messing with words... creating something that people like to read... something to express what I'm really feeling. I also write music, but I feel more free with words. Once and a while, I'll show people what kind of writings are going through my messed up brain... Though the only thing I'll display here is fanfics and the occasional editorial. Everything else speaks of my personal relationship with God. Some of it is really personal too. 


Personal Info

I'm and 18 year old High School graduate. I live in Colorado (GO AVALANCHE!!) and have a pretty nice view of the Rocky Mountains no matter where I go. I was home schooled throughout most of Jr. High and all of High School. When the Columbine shootings happened, it made my reasons for doing school at home even clearer. Because my credits were earned pretty quickly this way, I graduated a year early. I LOVED home schooling. The only regrets I have about it were putting my parents through stress to finish my school year and get my credits recorded with the state. 

I got a job the day after I graduated working with a cell phone company in their Customer Service department. Here's some advice: NEVER GET A JOB IN CUSTOMER CARE. It was horrible. I quit after four months. I really didn't enjoy having people scream and curse in my ear. Plus, if you didn't  handle something like forty calls per hour, you were "talked to" by your supervisor. Mine liked to threaten a pay cut. To advance, you had to have service statistics that were unattainable by human standards. Anywho, I'm out of work now... but I have to get a job soon to save up. I want to open a shop with some friends... we'll see how it goes. Plus, my DVD addiction needs feeding and my car insurance payment is due.

I have two incredible parents who are very understanding... We've had our arguments and short-tempered days, but most of the time, I get along with them very well. We live with my grandma who's nearing ninety. She acts like she's not a day over 60 though. I hope I'm as energetic when I'm that old. My brother... he's nice. He and I don't really get along or talk that often. He's NOTHING like Krillin, in case you're wondering. ^_^ He's six years older than me... and an ex-Marine. (If that gives you a clue to his personality.) He's mellowed in the last few years and I've matured... so I'm hoping we can make up for lost time and act like normal siblings soon. Then there's my dog... She's getting old too, but she still acts like a puppy. I think she's taking good influence from my grandma... acting so young, but being so old.

I'm a strong Christian. I really don't like the term "Christian" or "Religion" since they're so confining. When you tell people you're a Christian, The Inquisition, witch burning and slavery automatically come to mind. So, I tell people I'm not religious... I'm just deeply in love with God. My life lacks romance... outside my writing anyway... but He makes up for it. I love Him and His Son more than anything. They've brought a romantic fire into my soul. They've healed my heart, saved my life and claimed my soul. I owe everything good about me to Him... including my writing skills. I guess you can thank Him for "Waiting". ^_^ I could write for hours about what He's done for me... be glad I have to go to bed soon, otherwise I might.

Personality wise, I'm sort of goofy, sort of serious and tend to act like an older sister to a lot of the younger people I meet. Like my character, I have an expression of anger on my face a lot... even though I'm not angry very often. I have my character flaws... I get annoyed easily... that's one of the only one's I'll admit. O_o;;  I love coffee... ^_^ and I've just started working at the coffee cart in my church, so that'll be interesting. I play in the band for my church's praise and worship too. I sing and I work the keys. (Piano) I never curse, and I love to sing kid's songs... especially Veggie Tales. 

On the net, I'm kind of the same. I don't know. You'll have to ask Trin about my personality. I've been conversing VIA instant messaging with her since March or April of last year... maybe even before. I don't do well when I'm trying to describe myself. I have a lot of other online friends... of all different kinds too. I love talking with people on MSN. 

 Music wise, my favorite bands are PfR, DCTalk and Plumb. My favorite composers are Beethoven, Brieg, Chopin and Debussy. Even though I tinker with music all the time, I don't listen to a ton of it. Pop music is sort of depressing... to know that people make such big deals over such trivial, temporary things is disconcerting... and if I hear the "Thong Song" one more time, I'm going to go... kick every one in the shin or something. Just be glad I don't know ki... otherwise the world would be doomed. 


Noseless Wonder's Future

 Real life's troubles are beginning to catch up with me. I wish I were younger. Still, I plan on continuing to write. I find it too relaxing to simply quit, even if a full time job and a family of my own come into the picture. Actually, I know someone who you very well might know too on the net who is in her mid-twenties, has a husband and a baby and still manages her site. I'm not going to give away names... her request... but it's not Trinity Blue, if that's what you were thinking. Meeting her has actually inspired me to continue. I was afraid that I would no longer have time for T&P and DBZ, so I wasn't sure if I wanted to continue and leave several fics unfinished... but now I KNOW I do.

Along with "Waiting" and "Watching", I have several other fics in the works. Most of them are still in my brain. They all revolve around the time line of "Waiting". There's another prequel to "Waiting" I want to finish and then four sequels. They all wrap into each other. I even have a Mirai Trunks and Pan fic in the works. 

This site will stay up for a while. I love writing. Even if all my visitors suddenly disappear, I will continue.

Thanks for reading my rant.


"Day dreaming again,

Trying to get my mind together.

Seeing what could be

Will it take forever?


Let me have this moment,

Let me take this minute for myself.

A silence oh so sweet,

Silence shared with Someone Else.


Wanting to escape,

 I close my eyes

And all the day's confusion,

Just passes by.


My only release,

Is to call on You

A comforting conversation

A message getting through."


 "My Time" By: Joel Hanson, PfR


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