November 13, 2003

Yeah, I know it's been longer than a week. (Excuse below) That's the last time I set a deadline for myself. ^_^;; The next chapter to "Wanting" IS up now. A lot of you caught on to my little cliff hanger, but I hope it doesn't disappoint.

On Monday, November 3 the bank where I work got robbed and I was the lucky teller. He had a gun and all of my money. Nobody was hurt or anything and the guy never came back, but it still freaked me out a lot. I'm on a little vacation right now, but I'm literally flying by my emotions at this current time. As a result, it may be really soon when I get work done, and it may not be for a looooong while. I'm not sure. I'm hoping writing will help me escape. Plus, I just got my "Lord of the Rings" book trilogy in the mail and it's distracting me! Wah! Anywho, thanks for your patience!


October 26, 2003

Okay, long time since my last update, I know. ^^;; A new chapter of "Wanting" is up. Yay! The next chapter is actually pretty much done too, so I would look for it in about a week or so. I also put up three new awesome pics by Tempest Moon!


September 6, 2003

Thank you all very much for the incredible responses I've gotten in the last three days. ^^ This is really the first time I've ever seriously thought about shutting the site down. Truth is, I hate getting emotional over stuff like flaming, but some of the things she said made me VERY angry... and it sort of made me lose faith in the human race's cognitive intelligence all together. People can act incredibly witless when you put them in such a faceless, nameless society like the Internet. They tend to lose their conscience and begin a weird, and completely useless power struggle i.e., they become Internet bullies. One of the many little facts I've learned about bullies over the years is that they are the way they are because, A: they're bitter about some kind of abusive situation they are in and decide to take it out on other people, or B: in reality, they feel very small and vulnerable, so they try to bring down other people to make themselves feel bigger. You can't reason with them... you can't "convert" them into normal people miraculously and you can't apologize to them. The funny thing about bullies is that they think their whole purpose in life is to go around and pick fights. They are the type of people who would argue that the sky is really green until they're blue in the face just to get a rise out of someone. When you put them in an environment where they don't have to be held accountable (i.e. the Internet) it only makes things worse. I'd bet you that if all of the Internet bullies were suddenly forced to give away their real names and addresses, things would be a lot different on the World Wide Web. Trust me, the situation I spoke of is over. Why? First off, I discovered that the two people I spoke of was actually only one person who used the anonymity of the Internet to trick me. Secondly, because I refuse to waste time I could be spending on stuff that is actually important in life... like my creative outlet: writing.

In all honesty, this is not what made the decision to possibly shut down public. It's just the straw that broke the camel's back. I'm actually paying for this site. I have been for a little while. It's only $5... but for a site that not many people visit and whose webmaster only updates once in a blue moon, that adds up to be a lot. Plus, I work a full-time schedule at a physically demanding job... I'm sure a lot of you know what I'm talking about. The only reason I haven't shut down yet is because I'm DYING to finish up this series... which is all-in-all seven stories long. I know that five minutes after I deleted this thing, I would miss it... if only to miss the constant, nerve-wracking torment of producing stuff that somebody somewhere might possibly enjoy... especially if it's filler.

DBZ... It went from being number one free time hobby to sentimental favorite. I'll always love it... if only to remember how many hours I've spent in front of this computer thinking about the hell I could put the characters through. O_o;; That's why I love to write for it. A lot of DBZ webmasters when they shut down give "lost interest" as the number one excuse. Trust me, you'll never hear that from me.

I know you're probably bored by now and you don't appreciate my little rant... but I needed to write it... I think so I could argue with mySELF about whether or not to close down. I haven't really made that decision yet... but like I said in my last update, I WILL finish what I'm working on now. I'll probably wrap up "Watching" with a looooong last chapter and then go about "Wanting" as planned. I HATE quitting in the middle of things. Procrastinating is another story, however. -_-;;

And don't worry... ^^ This is the last time I'm going to talk about this trash. The next update will have CONTENT! A new chapter of "Wanting", plus an awesome fan art drawn by Tempest Moon herself. =)


September 3, 2003

No content update. No anything. Apparently, I am forbidden from having the freedom of speech on my own site so I had to take the last update down. After nearly four years, this web site might be shut down soon, if immature people continue to contact me and write very rude messages. I'm tired of certain web-goers attitudes as of late. Including the thought that I am to blame for everything bad on the web and the people who are really at fault are the victims. I started this page for my own enjoyment, but there are two people out there who feel that me speaking the truth about a person is outlandish and therefore I should be banned from the net altogether. They know who they are.

If I do shut down, I will take you to the ending of one more story so that you have a little warning, at least. After that, I will delete everything.

All I wanted to do was tell some stories, people. I write for my own enjoyment. Thanks to the two of you for taking that enjoyment away from me. I certainly hope you are happy.


August 5, 2003

Missing for a very stupid reason. I thought there was a line in the Bill of Rights about this sort of thing...


July 17, 2003

Just a little update tonight. I added three new awesome fan arts by the wonderful artist Tempest Moon in the pics section.

I also fixed a broken link and added two new ones. Go check them out!


July 9 (10?), 2003

Yeah, it's a little late, so I'm going to make this quick. Chapter One to "Watching" is up. Yay! It only took me more than a year! Thanks big time to Cka3ka and Morgause for beta-ing for me... and Yuna Angel of Hell, and Samantha Williams for offering to! Thanks big time, guys!

Oh, and I took down a pic by Zea (per artist's request) that she said she wasn't proud of. =P I thought it was cute! I'll have to bug her for another one.


June 25 , 2003 -

Okay, so the update is a little later than I though. ^^ Part of that is because I need a beta-reader. To find out what I'm talking about, read Chapter One of "Wanting" which is now up on the fics page. I also posted a new story by a very talented author entitled "Youthful Perceptions". I told Natz I would post it a year ago. I'm sorry! It's good! Go read!


June 14, 2003 -

I'm still here! Alive and kicking. I've got a VERY appropriate Father's Day update for everyone. Starting with the new layout pic, drawn by me. ^_^ I've also posted a fic by Angel Eevee entitled "Don't Fear the Name 'Father'" in the fic section. GO READ. There's a new link and a couple arts up too. "Wanting" is actually coming along. Chapter One SHOULD be done in a couple of days.

Happy Father's Day everyone. I got my Dad a tie... how cliche' is that? *rolls eyes*


April 8,

(Later that night) - One more thing to add tonight... I posted a new fic of mine... the sequel to "Waiting" entitled "Wanting". Go check it out! =)

April 8,

Thank God I have all of "Petrified Tears" posted! Sorry for the delay Panabelle! I'll probably be posted the prologue to "Wanting" in the next few days.... as soon as I can come up with a banner or something. Once again, don't forget to send me submissions for any CURRENT and DECENT anime web sites!


April 6,

I have everything up but chapters 35-112 of Petrified Tears. (for obvious reasons) I'm getting them done as I'm finishing this though! Everything should be a little easier to read now. I know I promised to post stories for some people, but I've been a bad webmistress. Please email me again and I'll get them posted. Also, please send me submissions for live, recently updated anime sites! My links page is too empty! If you don't see yours on there, it's probably because I went to see it and didn't see any anime content or I did not receive an updated link after you moved it. In fact, I'm so ready to post new links, that I've extended my submission rules to include non-DBZ related anime sites. However, the non-yoai/yuri/hentai rule still applies.

About my own fics... I have written more. Lots more, in fact. I just want to get all of this taken care of before proof reading and getting them ready for posting.


March 26,

Sorry for the delay... again.. Like the new look? Things are going to be pretty weird for another week or so while I get the WHOLE site revamped.

Meanwhile, stop by TB's website. I owe her a BIG HUGE GIGANTIC thanks for this one. ^_^

Even the Pics's her's! (Which I colored. ^_~)