International Campaign
to BAN All Spy/Surveillance Cameras

An international campaign to BAN all spy/surveillance cameras throughout the world is hereby instituted.

Spy and surveillance cameras are a gross and perverse misuse of technology, a complete violation of personal and societal privacy and are hereby declared "illegal" under local, state, federal and international law.

An evolving, advanced, civilized society does NOT illegally spy and surveil its citizenry....only despotic tyrannies do that. WE THE PEOPLE of Planet Earth choose NOT to live in such a planetary tyranny, nor do we support (in any way) an emerging planetary police state. We condemn the BILLIONS of dollars, euros, yen etc.. that have already been needlessly wasted on building, displaying, operating and monitoring police state spy and surveillance camera networks throughout our communities- particularily street intersection cameras in the USA (all funded by the US Dept of Homeland Security- America's new Nazi SS).

It is time WE THE PEOPLE of Planet Earth declare War on International fascist nazi police state operatives who willfully and maliciously VIOLATE our privacy, dignity and life force with their evil, wicked and ungodly spy and surveillance camera network.

Authorization is hereby given to take them down- legally or by ANY MEANS NECESSARY, until this technological scourge is removed and eliminated from off the face of this planet for all time.

Let us similiarily work to criminalize all police state spying in our communities as well as arrest, prosecute and incarcerate those individuals, corporations and government agency officials responsible for these gross transgressions of the LAW.

Steve Jones
Denver, Colorado USA