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Cinc & quarante degrés ciel bruslera, Feu approcher de la grand cité neufve, Instant grand flamme esparse sautera, Quand on voudra des Normans faire preuve. |
Five & forty degrees the sky will burn, Fire to approach the great new city, (In an) Instant a great, scattered flame will leap up, When one will want to demand proof of the Normans. |
Posted November, 4 - 2002 1st Update: February, 9 - 2003 |
This site analyses Nostradamus VI-97 quatrain. Discloses the 9/11 disaster from the eyes of the Master. The impossibly happens: we understand the Five and Forty was a geographical area. The great new city is, in fact, New York. And even the names of Osama and Omar are hidden in this quatrain… |