Tracy Parents against MTYRE and YRE
Don't buy the District line - IT IS NOT A DONE DEAL

   Dear Parents and Teachers,
.         When I speak to people in Tracy about the TUSD and Year Round Education, I generally get two reactions. Fear or apathy. Both emotions are powerful, but I am more concerned with fear.

   Fear of Unelected, powerful people.  Teachers fear that if they speak out about YRE, they will be disciplined. Some have been reprimanded. I hope their union reassures them that if they choose to speak out against YRE, that they will be protected.
       Parents also fear the TUSD. They fear repercussions against their children if they speak out against YRE. They will lose coveted spots at magnet and Charter schools. Their children will get the last choice in everything. They will end up on the "bad" Tracks. " Trouble maker" will go on their permanent records. Parents on committees are used to provide cover for district goals and intimidated into silence if they get out of line.   

     This fear, real or imagined, has made the unelected Superintendent and the upper staff of  the TUSD the most powerful people in Tracy.They are more powerful than the Mayor and the city council. This fear is the source of their power and every effort is made to maintain it through subtle means.The TUSD, through YRE, can reorder your lives, decide when and if, you can take a family vacation. Decide when you and Junior can take that fishing trip. If you are a divorced parent, you will probably have to go back to court to work out visitations. If you have family back east, you may get to go visit Grandma in February. TUSD decides. You live the life the TUSD lays out for you. You dance to the tune they call.  Play Baseball, too bad, We want you in school. Boy Scout Camp, nope?  Computer Camp, No way.
      Over the past few months, we have shown you that YRE is costly, "Academically Damaging", " Unequal in result", burns out teachers, Prevents teacher mentoring, and Disrupts Family life.  The only people that benefit from YRE are the consultants.

    Parents and Teachers we have constructed our page as a counter to the TUSD party line, Please visit it and get involved.Less than 2% of all schools in the nation are on YRE. If it is so great and saves so much money, wouldn't more schools use it?  Parents and teachers need to get over their fear of the TUSD, realize they work for you and demand they get off the YRE band wagon. Lets build schools for our children,. not resumes for future consultants.

Tracy, CA

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