Tracy Parents against MTYRE and YRE |
TUSD has spent $ 5.7 Million on New offices and Has no money for schools Whats wrong with this picture? $ 5.7 Million would have: A. Funded the District Share of George Kelly School, so those poor people in Hidden Lake don't have to wait 5-10 years for a school Or B.Bought enough Portables (54 Rooms) to get every School in Tracy off Multi Track Year Round Education |
MTYRE AT LOUIS BOHN? IT IS NOT A " DONE DEAL" unless you let it be Speak up and be heard. |
Actual Article coming Soon |
What this article doesn't tell you is that the lawsuit in Southern California is against the harmful effects of MTYRE Click Here |
This article appears with the permission of the Tracy Press. |
"The students filing suit all attend grossly overcrowded public schools that have been forced to use academically damaging multi-track-year-round calendars. Multi-tracking increases enrollment space but reduces and disrupts instruction time. Over 45% of the Los Angeles Unified School District’s 700,000 students endure permanent multi-track-year round scheduling, making LAUSD home to over 33% of the state’s multi-tracked students." -MALDEF LAWSUIT PRESS RELEASE Click here |
Email the TUSD Board and ask about the cost of these offices? - Click here |