3 June 1810
(Drawn from the original)
Letter to brother Eli

Dear Brother & sister (meaning sister in law):  I take this opportunity of writting to you and can inform you that we are all well at present.  Thanks be to God for the same hoping that these few lines will find you  and your family in the same state of health & we received your letter the 15 of June (1809) and there is a fine crop of corn in the General of our settlement and wheat in general is mighty good & don't heare of none of your brothers talk as if they would come out there to live and we have had no letter from Va. since you started out to Canetuck & I would live if a settlement where there was no danger of  Indians and by land out one side and let it by till it was inhabited around it and not fo into danger with you family.  Robert has killed 3 snag buck.
And I am glad to heare you live in Religious settlement hoping you will close in with the gospel on it's own terms and think of the future times no more at present but remaining your loving brother.

Daniel served Revolutionary War and rec'd his homesite for services in Golden Valley, NC. [Rutherford Co.]


Sept the 22AD 1862

Camp martin greenville Tennessee

Dear Mother         I site my self to drop you a fiew lines to let you no that I am well at this time and I dont no when we will leave heare.  We hav drod our muney to day ($27.86) and I want you to no aboute my money, whether it is good or not, and if not, change it off or leade it to some good man.

And I wnte you to do somthing with stears in some say but do the best you can with them,     And take good care off all my property, and collect all my dets.

Wm. Melton is due me $4.37 1/2 and John M. Pitman $300.

And I would like to no how the corn looks, and if you are don puling fodder and cuting tops, and it is time you was soing some wheat.

I have nothing mulch to write to you.  The yankes has left the cumbrling gap and left 54 canons thare and aboute 600 yankes sick, and 800 lbs of powder and bacond and iron and several other things.

And they have followed them up and taken several of them prisoners.  George C. Alexander is here now and I will send this letter by him to Asheville and I will send in it $10 and I want you to write to me whether you have received it or not and if you have received the money and what you have now will make $150, and if you think that it is in any danger you can lend it to some good man.

So no more at this time.  Direct you letter to Greenville, Tennessee, Mcdowells Batalian in care of Capt. West, Company B.   So I remain your affectionate son J.D. Melton.

To Jane Melton
(Jane Craig Melton, Mrs. Elderege Melton)

PS. Tell Harriet and Mary to write to me soon and I will write to them.  And tell all the girls to write to me.

SOURCE: George Coggins, original owner.  He states he has a beautiful powder horn left by this writer, J.D. Melton (called "Tinker").  The horn had been left with his mother, Jane Craig Melton
M/M Pot V. 3 pg. 24.


Union County Kentucky
April 17 1887

Dear Brother and Sister

being in reasonable good health this sabath morning I thought I would answer your letter that I received last Tuesday as this leaves me and children all tolerable well I hope it will soon come to hand and find you all well and doing well I was sorrow to hear of you being so poorly with a coughe I hope you will get rid of that without any serious ... you spoke of father you all do not know what to do since he was gone Think of your Brother John who has battled with the world and the many people that lives therm without one word of advise or comfort from a loving father and mother for 27 long years and when you think of that you can only say father has paid a debt that we soon must pay and he is at last in a far better land that this I bleave and none of youshould greave because he is gone and we all must see dark days as the great preacher Mr Henry Ward Beecher that past away from earth a week or too ago he said to his closefriends instid of ... you mourning body to my grave tak the Beautiful flowers of natures works and Bee merry instid of Being said for which I hope you will doo in our loss Bee of good cheer and look forward to a bettter day Consol Mother and Sarah and tell them my love is with them thoughmountains and valleys are many between us and give my love to all the Brothers and sisters and friends if any Well it Is raining this morning and it is cool it has bin the driest spring hear I ever saw upto this time some people are planting corn I have not planted any yet Wheat looks better now and I hope we will make a mediocre crop Times is close In this country as all the farmers has got to sell is low Tell Loyld that he could write a small letter if he would and tell me whether is any rabbits in old N.C. Well I will close my letter~ soon for you will get tired of reading is as it badly written you must excuse bad writing and spelling and writ to when you can. I am your . -Brother til Death

John 0. Melton

to Loyld & July . Early

of your boys you spok of I wish I could see Dewitt & Pratt
you have some help for nex -.. maybe

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