Abraham Milton Will
Kent Co. MD
2/2/1735 - 6/6/1735

Milton Abrahm Planter Kent Co., Md.
Wife Barbara part of Stratfords Mannor Kent Co. ?ing his life - att her decease to be divided between Sons Phillip and Isaac - if they die without issue - sons Phullip and Isaac - if they die without issue portion to pass to son Joseph and hirs 1/2 personal Estate suppor her in defending right to dwelling plantation (agst) pretension of George Garnet.  wife to be guardian of child until they are age - should she die during their manority, they are left in care of Monthly Meeting.  Son Joseph (??is) heirs land bought of Joseph Evere being part of Hatchbury and Hansferd - but if Susannah Harris shall pay for sd. land pursuant to the conditions of a bond passed to testator for that purpose - then son Joseph shall receive the money and make over sd. land to Susannah Harris
Son Samuel 5 shillings
Abraham 10 shillings
5 children Isaac  - Phillip - Joseph - Mary 1/2 of personal estate
Test: Nicholas Pearse - James Meeks - Esther Meeks


John Melton Will
Frederick Co. VA.
5 Aug 1750

Will Book 1 Pg. 443-444
Will of John Melton of Frederick County, being weak of body.
        Unto my dearly beloved wife, Catherine, all and singular my moveable estate to be freely possessed and enjoyed by her, her lifetime and also my plantaion and improvements tha lyes in Fairfax Co., and adj. to the land of plantation of Col. Henry Fitchew to be hers her lifetime.

        Unto my brother Michael Meltons son John---all my plantation that lyes in Fairfax Co. commonly known by the name of Keeth's plantation, he paying to my wife five pounds of current money of Virginia.

        Unto my Godd.[Goddaugther] Ann Stephens---1 cow and calf.
        Unto Catherine Blinker---1 cow (d/o Sam'l Conner).
        All the estate which shall be left remaining after my wife's decease shall be equally divided between my brother Michael's three daugs. Abygal, Sarah and Mary and my wife's daug. Mary Stephens the w/o Wm. Stephens  excepting the land and plantation left my wife as aforesaid and that shall be left unto my brother Michael's son John.
        My beloved wife Catherine---Exec.
Wm. Stephens to be Assistant. to my wife.
Signed: John Melton
Wit:  5 Aug 1750 by Patrick Casey, Nathaniel (N) Casley, Abraham Anderson.  14 & 16 Nov 1750.            Proved: 14 May 1751 by Nathl. Pasley and Abraham Anderson.
14 May 1751      Catherine Melton  having entered into bond, will is admitted to record.

Frederick Co. VA.
Will Book 1 Pg. 444-445
14 May 1751  Bond of Catharine Melton, Edward Snickers and John Sturman for 200 lbs current money.  Catharine Melton is executrix of John Melton

Catharine (R) Melton
Jno. Sturman
Edward Snickers

14 May 1741 Acknowledged

Frederick Co. VA.
Will Book 1 Pg. 485-486.

John Melton   Inventory.  No total valuation shown.
Appraised by Taliaferro Stribling, John Madden and John Sturman
Signed by Catherine Melton
Returned 14 August 1751


POT Vol. V. 1 pg. 13
John Melton Will
Nash Co. NC.
Apr 29  1797

In the name of God Amen Wheras I John Melton of Nash County and State of North Carolina Being weak In Body though of sound and Perfect memory Thanks be God do make this Writing as and for my Last will and Testament  Imprimis  I Give and Bequeath with my Son Cooper Melton the plantation and tract of Land I Purchased of Briant O'Neal containing By Estimation one hundred and fifty acres to hold to him his heirs and assigns forever----Item I Give and Bequeath to my son Thomas Melton the Planation whereon I now live with all the Land I Purchased of Arthur O'Neal containing by estimation one hundred and Forty six acres to hold to him his heirs and assign forever.  Item I Give and Bequeath unto my wife Elizabeth Melton her choice one Feather Bed and Furniture   Item I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Mary Hart Five Shillings as for the Remainder of my Estate my will and Desire is that It be Equally Divided Between my wife aforesaid and children David Melton Matthew Joseph Melton Ann Melton Fereby Melton Cooper Melton Martha Melton and Thomas Melton and I Do hereby Constitute and appoint my Sons David Melton and Joseph Melton my Whole and Sole Excutors of this my Last Will and Testament in Witness Where of I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 29th day of April 1797

John (his X mark) Melton  (Seal)
Signed and sealed}
In Presence of     }
Lewis Vick
Jacob Vick
Ishiah (her X mark) Vicks


John Melton Will
Knox Co. Ohio
Court of Probate
Jan. 30, 1874

Be it remembered that on this day the last will and testament of John Melton late of said county decd was produced in open court and J.W. Bradfield and J.C. Banbury, the subscribing witnesses hereto
being in open court duly sworn and interrogated depose and say that they saw the said dead sign
said will and heard him acknowledge the same to be his last will and testament and that in the
presence and by the express direction of Testator they signed the same as witnesses and the said
witnesses  being further interrogated state the Testatir at the tune if executing his last will and testament was of full age of  sound mind and memory and not any restraint.
Whereupon it appearing to the Court that said will and testament was duly executed the same was
admitted to Probate and the proof aforementioned having been reduced to writing the same together
with said will was filed and retained for record.
Which said will and proof read in the words and figures following to wit:
In the name of the Benevolent Father of All, I, John Melton of Knox County, Ohio do make and
publish this my last will and testament

Item 1st - I will that all my just debts be fully paid.
Item 2nd - I will that immediately after my death or as soon thereafter as he may think expedient my
executor     Proceed to sell all my estate both real and personal and the proceeds to be distrubuted
as follows:
Item 3 - I give and devise to granddaughter, Mary McKee, One Hundred Dollars.
Item 4 - I give and devise to my granddaughter,  Sarah McKee, One Hundred Dollars.
Item 5 - I give and devise all that remains to my estate to the following named heirs - Alvin Melton,
Meshac Melton, Andrew Jackson Melton, Sarah Stout, Olive Blair and the heirs of John Melton,
Jr.  This item to equally divided amongst said heirs after taking into account and charging to each of
said heirs the following named sums of money as amounts formerly give to them by me.  Alvin
Melton Six Hundred Dollars, Meshac Melton Five Hundred Dollars, Olive Blair One Hundred and
eight dollars, Sarah Stout One Hundred Dollars, the heirs of John Melton, jr Seventy Dollars and
Andrew Jackson Melton Three Hundred and Fify Dollars.

I do hereby appoint James W. Bradfield as executor of this my last will and testament.  I do hereby
revoke all former wills by me made.
In testimony whereof I have herewith set my hand and seal this 17th day of February AD 1871.

DONATED BY: S. Jane Simpson.


Samuel Melton Will
Will Bk. 5 Pg. 66
Cumberland Co. Va.
Samuel Melton
In the name of God amen the Twenty fourth day of March One thousand eight hundred and thirteen
I Samuel Melton of the County of Cumberland being of sound mind perfect memory of mind thanks
to God for the same do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form
following.  Item   I give to my son John Melton Fifty four and three quarters acres of my land with the houses thereon Bounded by James Allen and John Ford be the same more or less also one feather bed furniture all of which I give him and heirs forever.  Item    I give bequeath to my son Nathan Melton Fifty acres of land to be taken of the tract to the west adjoining James Farmer & James Allen.  One feather Bed & furniture being the Same I now Lay on which I give to him & his hiers forever.  Item    I give to my Daughter Drusillar Melton one feather Bed & furniture to her and her heirs forever.  Item    I give bequeath to my Grand Daughter Eady Philips one feather Bed and
furniture to her & her heirs forever   Item     I give the residue of my Estate not heretofore disposed of to my Son John Melton and my Daughter Druisillar Melton to be equally Divided Between them and their heirs forever.
Lastly I constitute and appoint my Son John Melton & my Daughter Drusillar Melton my whole and
sole Executor and Executrix of this my last will & Testament with a desire that their be no
appraisement ratifyinng and Confirming the Same the day and year above written.

Samuel (his mark) Melton seal

Cumberland June Court 1815
This Will and Testament of Sam'l Melton Deceased was exhibited in Court and proved by two
witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded and on the Motion of John Melton one of the
Executors named in said Will who made oath according to law certificate for obtaining probat_
thereof in due form is Granted him he having entered into Bond and Security according to law

Test: John McCormack Jr. D.C.

DONATED BY: Karon Mac Smith.  V.10 pg 36-37.

Zackariah Melton Will
Nash Co. NC.
Oct 23, 1786

In The Name of God, Amen.  I  Zackariah Melton of Nash County in the State of North Carolina being sick and weak in body yet of a sound and perfect understanding and memory do constitute this my last will and testament and desire it may be received by all as such.
Item  I give and bequeath to my son John Melton part of the land and plantation whereon I now dwell being the lower part all below a line lately made to divide the whole between him and my son Josiah Melton to be held and enjoyed by him and his heirs forever.
Item  I give and bequeath to my son Josiah Melton all my land and plantation lying and being above the dividing line above mentioned to be held and enjoyed by him and his heirs forever.  I also give and bequeath to my son Josiah Melton one mare and one cow and calf to be held and enjoyed by him and his heirs forever.
Item  I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Selah one cow to be held and enjoyed by her and her heirs forever.
Item  I give and bequeath to my daughter Pharaby Tucker one cow to be held and enjoyed by her and her heirs forever   and one feather bed and furniture to be held and enjoyed by her and her heirs forever after the decease of my wife.
Item  I give and bequeath to my daughter Priscillia Melton one cow and one feather bed and furniture after the decease of my wife to be held and enjoyed by her and her heirs forever.
Item  I give and bequeath to my daughter Bathsheba Whitley one cow and one feather bed and furniture after the decease of my wife to be held and enjoyed by her and her heirs forever.
Item  I lend to my loving wife Sarah Melton all the remainder of my estate during her life a widow and after her decease or at the end of her widowhood to be equally divided between all my children namely John Melton, Josiah Melton, Elizabeth Selah, Paraby Tucker, Mary Melton, Priscillia Melton and Bathsheba Whitley, (by my executor hereafter mentioned) to be held and enjoyed by them and their heirs forever.
Item  I do constitute and appoint my friend Wilson Vick my whole and sole excutor of this my last will and testament ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament.  In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this 23 day of October, Anno Dom 1786.

Signed Zackariah Melton, (Seal)

Sealed, published and declared
in the presence of us

Wm (his X mark) Mathews
Thos. (his X mark) Barrot


Will of Cooper Melton
(from Miscellaneous Records, Vol. 2, page 357, Benton County, Tennessee)

In the name of God Amen! I Cooper Melton being of sound mind and memory, calling to mind that it is appointed to all men once to die, and it being of necessary that a preparation should be made before death, I first commend my soul to God, who gave it, and my body to the earth from whence it came. Second, as touching my worldly substance which it has pleased God to bless me with, I dispose of it in the following manner, to wit: It is my will that my body be decently buried in a plain manner and nothing more, according to the usual custom in such cases. It is my will that all my just debts, be paid out of the first monies, which come into the hands of my executor. It is my will that my beloved wife, Pheby Melton, have the land whereon I now live, also one other tract of land No. 3404, entered in my own name containing 408 3/4 acres.

I have deeded to William Safford 94 acres on the north boundary line of said tract. I have given to my son James Melton, 50 acres on the west boundary of said tract of land, there now remaining 264 acres. It is my will that my beloved wife Pheby Melton, have my two mares, three head of cattle, thirty head of hogs, and seven sheep, also all other articles belonging to me.

It is my will that my beloved wife, Pheby Melton, have all my household furniture and all my farming tools, with the exception of one bed and furniture and I give and bequeath said bed and furniture to my beloved grand daughter, Mary Holland; and I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Pheby Melton, all and every separate tract of land and parcel of my land for her proper use and benefit, with all the above named articles, and increase from same, during her natural life.
It is my will that after the death of my beloved wife, Pheby Melton, that the remaining that she may leave, be sold and the proceeds, when collected, be equally divided between all my children, share and share alike.

I also make nominate and appoint my son John W. Melton and Josiah S. Arnold my executors to this my last will and testament, ratifying the same and revoking all former wills.

In witness hereof I Cooper Melton set my hand and seal this the 23rd of October in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and forty nine.

Cooper Melton

Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of us:

Isiah T. Cate
William Steele

Donated by John Pinkston.


3/10/1731     Abraham Milton witnessed Will - Laughlin Flynn
8/30/1733     Abraham Milton witnessed Will of John Evans
2/02/1735     Abraham Milton Will  --BC 1689   Wife Barbara-Exex.
6/06/1735     Sons Phillip, Isaac, Joseph(has heirs?), Samuel, Abraham b. 1710;
                      Dau. Martha b.1716/7 md. Joseph Bartlett 1707/8, Dau. Mary
1/17/1742     Will of John Ball...Abraham Milton mentioned as son-in-law.
8/14/1742     John Ball Will  Abrahams  (2) wife was Mary (nee Ball) served as Exe. with
                      Ball's wife, Jane.
        1748     Will Samuel Melton leaves all to wife Mary.  Mentions heir at law too
                      young to be at signing of Will. Heir at law prob Samuel Jr.
        1772     Will of Sarah Milton - spinster
                      Mentions land inherited from her mother Mary Milton dau. of John Ball & sisters;
                      Mary Brown, Elizabeth King, Margaret Milton.
                      Witnesses: Isaac Milton, Mary & Ann Ca?

4/02/1740      James Melton Will     Daus.: Prudence Harrenton, Elizabeth Rhinold - wife of James
                      Rhinold, Mary minor; Son James-minor.


F.W. Melton Will
Henderson Co. TN
Page 315

Know all men by these presents that I, F.W. Melton make this my last Will and Testament, to wit--
1st--I want my expenses paid.
2nd--I want all my other just debts paid if there be any.
3rd--I want the above debts paid out of whatever money or personal property I may die possessed
of, if there be enough to pay same, if not sell enough of my real estate to finish paying same.
4th--For the Love and affection I have for my son Alvin Melton for staying at home with me and
taking care of me when I could not take care of myself and taking in consideration his physical
condition I bequeath give unto the said Alvin Melton all my property of whatever kind, after my
debts are paid, that I may die possessed of to have and hold the same for his use and benefit during
life at his death to go to my Lawful heirs.

State of Tennessee
County of Henderson
        Personally appeared before me Lee Wood, Notary Public, for the above county and State,
F.W. Milton with whom I am personally aquainted and acknowledge that he make the within
instrument for the purpose therein expressed.
Lee Wood, N.P. (Seal)

Signed  F.W. Milton

SOURCE: Microfilm #0024693
DONATED BY: Dee Ann Buck.



Benjamin Melton Will
Onslow Co. NC.
Will of Benjamin Melton---9 Nov 1800
To my sons Thomas and Andrew 75 a where I now live. To my daug Mary Ann Melton 1 cow, calf
or yearling, 1 bed & furniture, 1 basin, two plates, 1 iron pot. (if she should die under age all to go to brothers). To Thos. 1 cow or yearling, a basin, 2 plates, iron pot, the same to Andrew.   To my wife Mary all the remainder.
Witnesses: James West and Jos. Smellage.
Extr. wife Mary     Proved in court   Jan term 1803.

Eli Melton
Extract from his will showing his children: Elvira C., Naomi Isabel, Mary Amanda, Permelia Ann,
Elias G., Eliza Jane Bishop, Nancy A. Whorton, Meranda Ann Rhea, Sarah Ann Stanly, Edmund
N., Samuel J., Lucinda Jane Crossley.

Pot  Vol. 1 N. 1 pg. 4

Elisha Milton Will
Southampton Co. Va.
Will Bk. 5 1797-1804  Reel#7 Pg.2

Elisha Milton of Southampton:  grand. Patsy Milton.  Daug. of Ann Milton       land I now live, the
undoubted right to be made her by Mrs. Ethd. Taylor in a deed etc;  3 children: Seah, Randolph,
and Ann.
Friends:  Mr. Arthur Turner and Mr. Benj. Barham Jr.  exec.  1 Dec 1788   Proved: 21 Aug 1797.


John Melton  left a will in Fluvanna Co. Virginia 1794; recorded 1795.  Named wife Elizabeth;
oldest son Pearce Wade as exec. Others sons John & William and 3 daughters;____  md. Benjamin Bradshaw; Frances who was in Albemarle Co. Va.  1787; Milly (Mildred) Randolph md. William
Bradshaw b/o Benj. 1797 Elizabeth ( widow of John) divided land to Polly Snyder of Amherst Co.
(no relationship shown).  Widow Elizabeth was the d/o Pearce Wade Melton b. 1763 served in
Revolutionary War and applied for pension.

David Melton Will
First I leave to my wife Conney Melton the land I now live on- I also lend to my wife enduring her
widowhood one feather bed and furniture, all plantation tools, mare, cows, & hogs, and my son
David to have maintainance off the same and at my wifes death everything that I now leave or lend to
her,  I give to my son David-- I also give to my son John Melton the upper end of my land-- I also
give to my son John every other thing that I let him have in his full possession in my past life, towit, a
feather bed, two head of horses and cows, that also let him have when he left me.  Wife & Honrag
East exec.
Signed David Melton
Witnesses: Wm. Loudon, Eliz. Loyd, Sarah Melton.

Edward Melton Will
Onslow Co. NC.
Will of Edward Melton---5th day of ____1823---in Aug Court 1823.
To my wife Farely---all my land on Wallam Cr.---to my son Edward at age 21; (Edward Durant
Melton) and son Owen Stanford Melton.  (also not of age).  To my daug. Penelope and Sarah---and a beef steer to Lewis Davis.  To my son in law Isaac Littleton---$10.---mentions heirs of daug. Sarah (poss it was she who was w/o Littleton).  Exec.: wife Farely.
Witnesses: W.B. Frank and Staford Melton.     Proved in court on oath of Stafford and Ferby
Melton the Exec.


Henry Melton Will
Granville Co. NC.
Court 1792-1795 No. 160
Will of Henry Melton   Proved by John Evans and Alexander Grisham;    Agnes Melton qualifies as
Pomfret Melton had guardian---Stephen Samples
Henry Melton had guardian-----James Smith
James Melton had guardian-----David Harris

Will of James Melton
Jones Co. NC.
Vol. A. (1778-1807) Pg. 282
James Melton---21 Nov 1802     Feb term 1806---to wife Mary 2 cows, calves, on bed &
furniture, crockery ware, household furniture, mare, sow ith 7 pigs, to daug Susannah feather bed
and furniture, wollen wheel and 1 heifer, to daug Mary bed & furniture, to son William horse,
plantation tools, a horse & yoke of oxen sold and money divided.  Exec.: Thos. Lee.
Witnesses: Richard Rogers, Jonathan Lee, Richard Melton.


John Melton Will  1797
Nash Co NC.
Giving his children: Joseph, Cooper, David, Thomas, Mathew, Ann, Fereby, Martha, & Mary Hart.


Onslow Co. NC.
Will of Jonathan Melton
Will of Jonathan Melton   18 Jan 1758---wife Purify, son Jonathan, daug Ann named---wife/widow
later married Moses Fox.
(Jonathan was said son of Richard of Bertie and Onslow Cos. NC.)
Clarke Co. Ga.
Will of Jonathan Melton
Will of Jonathan Melton  dated 15 Feb 1815   Proved: 5 Jun 1815  heirs---Wife Tabitha,   children:
Ethan, Eliel, Polly, Susannah, Stroud, William, Sippy, Buckner, and Jonathan Jr.  Joint exec were
wife and son Ethan and Stephen Crow.  Eliel went to Texas and Tabitha the wife was Tabitha
Stroud d/o John & Sarah Stroud.  Stephen Crow was his wife's bro-in-law.   Polly Melton md. to
Robt. M. Echols  6 Feb 1816 Second Bk A. pg. 28.
[Eliel was killed at the Alamo.]

Mary Melton Will
Onslow Co. NC.
Will of Mary Melton---21 Jan 1858
To my son George W., daug Cynthia Parker w/o Nathan; to my daug. Nancy w/o David Melton; to
son Jesse I give my negro Elias and woman Kate during his lifetime---the property to be divided
between Jess' heirs (except his son Franklin of whom I shall provide for).
Son Jesse as Exec.
Witnesses: B.R. Henderson and Jasper Etheridge.


Moses Melton Will
Nelson Co. Ky.
Book C. pg. 477.
Moses Melton/Milton 4 Nov 1814    Probated 19 Aug 1815     Wife Mary,  Sons James, Robert,
Moses, Richard, Elijah, John, Presly, William.  Daughters: Susannah, Nancy, Elizabeth, Mariah  -
equal shares to the heirs of Moses Wilson and Peggy Wilson, his wife, namely Travis Wilson, John
Wilson and Reese Wilson.  to Moses Wilson and Peggy Wilson, his wife $2.00.  Exec.: Elijah and
William Melton.
Witnesses: Robert L. Murphy & Thomas Scott.

Nathan Melton Will
Bullock Co. GA 1818
1818 Will of Nathan Melton---4 daug, Sally Susanna, Clary and Nancy; son Nathan and wife
Witnesses: Henry  Melton & James Melton.


1818-1819 Deed
Nath. Melton to son Benj. Melton---wit: Robertson & James Melton.  1819 Nath. Melton to son
Nath.  In St. Helena Par. La. in 1840's---Henry Melton died no issue but did have a brother James
who had been gone for 30 years.  Also bros & sis. John, Winnie Laster/Lassiter of Miss., Mary
Melton dec'd leaving 2 natural children William & John.  [Editor's note: I have more material on this

Nelson Co. Ky.
Will Bk A. pg. 186
Richard Milton,  31 Dec 1797   May 1801     wife Peggy;  children William, John, Moses, Elijah,
Nancy Davis, Sally Wilson, Frances Davis, son in law Rawleigh Chinn, James Davis.   Exec: sons
Moses & Elijah, grson James Moore.
Witnesses: Bryant & William Young.
Codicil: James Moore and his mother Molly Moore.

Pittsburg Co. Va.
Richard Melton Will
I, Richard Melton of Pitts. Co. lend to my beloved wife Judith, all my estate, every species during
her natural life or widowhood, except my black horse which I give my step daughter Polly Earls, also
200 a of land to step son and daughter  Timothy and Betsy Earls.  (Earls is spelled Eusts).  After my
wife's death my lands and estate to go to my son Richard Melton.
Signed: Richard Melton
Witnesses: John Minter, Peter M. Harris, Thos. Currey and Wm. Burnett.
[Editor's note: I have more court records on this couple.]


Richard Millton Will
Onslow Co. NC.
Will of Richard Melton---4 Apr 1763---Mentions beloved wife Mary; Samuel (when he should
arrive at age 21);  land on NW branch of New River--- Then to daugs. Elizabeth, Sarah, Zerviah
and Mary.  App'ts beloved brother Robert and good friend Thos Johnston & Benj. Johnstton as
exec.  Wits: John Milton, Hester Millton & Jos Sturges.

[Another Version]

Item #1 - just debts & funeral paid.
Item #2 - to my wife Mary - my whole estate.
Item #3 - to my well loved son Samuel one cow, calf at 21 -  if he should not reach that age to be
equally divided between my well beloved daugs. Elizabeth, Sarah, Zerviah, & Mary Millton.
Wit.: John Milton, Hester Millton, Joseph Sturges.


Robert Milton Will
Onslow Co. NC
Will of Robert Milton---9 Nov 1784
Witnesses: Elijah Timmony, John West & Richard Melton

Plantation to divided between Jesse and Solomon Melton (130 a).  The lower plantation to be
divided between Ruben and Thomas Melton (100 a).  Gives to his loving wife Mary.  To daugs.
Susanna; further on he calls Jesse, Solomon, Ruben and Thomas his sons; and an additional son
Benj. Ecx.---wife Mary & Thos. Farrell & Benj. Melton.
The will of Robt. Melton proved by oath of Elijah Simmons, wife Mary Melton and Benj. Melton.
Jan Court 1705.

[Another Version]

 I bequeath to my sons to be divided my plantation- to Jesse and Solomon (my dwelling plantation);
130a            the lower plantation to equally divided between my sons Rueban and Thomas 100a.
To my wife Mary--3 cows and calves, 1 bed and furniture, trunk and little box.
To my daug. Susannah 3 head of cattle, 1 feather bed & furniture and equal part of earthen ware to
her & her heirs.
To my son Jesse 7 head of cattle & equal part of earthen ware.
To my son Solomon 1 cow and calf and part of pueter ware.
To my son Rueban 1 heifer and equal parts of (puter-sic_.
I gave to my son Thos. 1 cow & calf and equal parts of puter.
To sons Ruben, Thomas feather beds, horse and plow, hoes, pots & pans, frying pan, axes and
hand mill to be divided between sons Jesse, Solomon, Thos. & Ruben.
To son Jesse 1 case and bottles--also same to Thomas.
To Solomon 1 jug--same to son Ruben.
To son Benjamin 1 basin and remainder of household goods.
These to be divided between Susannah, Jesse, Solomon, Ruben, and Thos.
To Jesse--1 gun.
To Jesse & Solomon whole stock of hogs and 4 ewes.
Also to Thos. & Ruben.

Appoint wife Mary, Thos. Farnell or Farrell senior Exec.  and Benj. Xtr.   Wit.: Elijah Timmony;
John West; Richard Melton.
See Pot V. 2 pg. 58-59.
Samuel Melton Will
Will of Samuel Melton 24 Mar 1813  mentions house bounded by James Allen and John Ford., tract
joining  James Farmer and James Allen.  Son Nathan, daughter Drusillar, grand Eady Philips, son
John Signed his mark Samuel Melton ---Cumberland Co. Virginia


Solomon Melton Will
Onslow Co. NC.
Will of Solomon Melton---10 Aug 1832
To my dearly beloved wife Ester; Wits: JA or JO Melton and Reuban Melton.
Will of Esther Melton---sons Benj., Overton and grands.  Sarah Eliz. & Sarah and grandson
Andrew J. Melton.  Exec-son Benj. Melton.   4 Jan 1859.
[Solomon Melton md. Esther Molton 5 Nov 1798]

Thomas Melton Will
Lincoln Co. Ky
Will Bk K pg. 112-113
Thomas Melton---appraisement---Nehemiah Glenn, Leander Cox, Richd Cox, Ezekial
Brown---estate appraised at $394 as hown by Sulley Melton Admin of Thos. Melton dec'd.   11
May 1829.   Thos Helms clerk.


Thomas Melton Will.
Onslow Co. NC.
Will of Thomas Melton(maybe Mitton)---10 Mar 1831
Bequeath to my nephew George W. Melton all of my estate.  Exec.: Wm. Monfut and Dexter Burns.
Witnesses: Wm. Dunn, Jesse Milton & Reuban Cannon/Carnes.


Thomas Milton Will.
Thomas Milton late of NY but now London--Estate to wife Christina (made Exec).  Legacy to
eldest brother Peter and brother Robert 6 Oct 1697 at NY.    15 Oct 1698 at Phila.     19 Oct
Same folio  Phila. Wills Bk. C pg. 243
Roger Milton
Roger Milton, late of Warfield, Berkshire now at Edmund Orpwood Oxford twp, Phil. Co. PA.
Father: William Milton
Brothers & Sisters in England (names not given)
William Passmore as Admin.
Witnesses: Wm. Passmore, Joseph Elfred, Nich. Lucken & Roger Sones.
Nuncreperative Will  declared 5 May 1711    Proved 1 Aug 1711


Will of William Melton
Onslow Co. NC.
Will of William Melton---19 Sep 1780
Bequeath to my son John, to my son Joseph, to my son James, and beloved wife Sarah.  To my son
Edward, daug Sarah Bryant wife of Nathan; to son Richard; son Joshua---app's wife Sarah and
Richard Exec.
Witnesses: Nathan Bryant, Obediah Scott & Wm. Cray.

[Another Version:]

Item #1 - just debts be paid - also funeral
Item #2 - to my son John - one cow, calf and no more of my estate to be delivered to him at time of
wife Sarah's death.
Item #3 - to my son Joseph on cow, calf, no more etc.
Item #4 - to my son James one cow, calf and no more etc.
Item #5 - to my son Edward one cow, calf and no more etc.
Item #6 - to my daug. Sarah Bryant w/o Nathan.
Item #7 - to my son Richard 25 acres lying in Onslow on ?Garry's Branch and joining his own land
where he now dewells.
Item #8 - to my son Joshua all that remains of my lands - approx. 25 a in Onslow Co.
Item #9 - to my beloved wife Sarah during her natural life my personal estate--my stock of horses,
cattle, hogs, household goods, furniture, plantation tools,- she making no waste of any part of them.
,to preserve 1st colt of my mare for my son Richard.   ,and 2nd colt for my son Joshua.

Son Richard and wife--Xtrs.   Wit.: Nathan Bryant; Obediah Scott, Wm. Gray
See Pot V.2 pg. 58


Zachariah Melton Will
Nash Co. NC. 1786
Listed children: John Melton, Jose Melton, & Bathsheba Whiteley.


Will Bk. B Pg. 235
Putnam Co. Georgia
Henry Alford Will

Henry Alford.  Son, Henry W.  Daughters, Mary Jane Alford, Almanda Wyche, Avy Mizell,
Atttucha Waller, formerly Attucha Melton.  Sons-in-law, Levi Waller.  Allen Mizell.  Grandchildren,
Sarah Elizabeth Melton and John Henry Melton.  Lacy Williams, guardian of son Henry W.
Executor, friends,  ---Kendricks and William B. Carter.
WW    January 26, 1850           WP  March 4, 1851

DONATED BY : Louise Melton.



Albermarle Co. VA.

27 Nov 1774/May 1777

In the name of God Amen the twenty seventh day of November in the year of Our Lord One thousand seven hundred & seventy four I Jeremiah White of the County of Albemarle and parish of St Annes,

being very sick & weak of body, but of perfect & sound memory thanks be to God for the same, and calling to mind the uncertainty of this life and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this & no other my last Will & Testament, and as touching such worldy estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life, I give devise & dispose of the same in the manner & form following that is to say, in the first place I will & order that all my lawful debts be paid Item I give & bequeath to my eldest son Jeremiah White my great Bible and a trunk covered with seal skin Item I give to my son John Martin White one feather bed & furniture, one young cow and a smoothe bor'd gun which he now has in custody Item I give & bequeath to my son Daniel White one feather bed with its furniture & one young cow Item I give & bequeath to my youngest son Reuben White one feather bed & furniture, one cow & her increase, which bed & cow he now has in his possession; also one smoothe bor'd

gun his choice of the guns I now have Item I leave to my dear & well beloved wife Mary White all the remainder of my estate, one black mare & yearling colt, land and moveables during her natural life or

widowhood, and at my said wifes death or marriage, the above said mare & colt, land & premises which land contains one hundred & seventy five acres, it being the land whereon I now live, I give & bequeath to

my son Reuben White and his heirs & assigns for ever Item I leave to my daughter Letty Melton five shillings & nine pence Item I give to my daughter Betty Kidd one feather bed & furniture at my wifes

decease and to my daughter Mary Martin one chest & to my daughter Milly Cleavland I bequeath five shillings & nine pence Item I give & bequeath to my daughter Ann Shackleford, one black walnut chest at my wifes decease, as for my carpenter tools I leave them for the use of the plantation, and at my wifes death or marriage to belong to my son Reuben White, & my coopers tools & my great coat, I give to my son John Martin White at my decease Item I give to my grandson George Martin twenty shillings to be paid him by my son Reuben, also one heifer Item I constitute & appoint my loving wife Mary White and my son Reuben to be the sole executors of this my last will & testament and do hereby utterly disallow, revoke & disannul, all and other former testaments wills & legacies requisels and executors by me at any

time before this named, willed & bequeathed, ratifying & confirming this to be my last will & testament,

In witness whereof I have herewith set my hand & affixed my seal, the day & year first within


Jeremiah White (Seal)


Elijah Mooran

Jacob Fariss

George Savage


At Albemarle May Court 1777

This will was proved by the Oath of Elijah Mooran & Jacob Fariss witnesses thereto & ordered to be recorded

John Nicholas Clk.


SOURCE: "My Melton Lineage" by Edna Hazel Lowery.

***Please note: If you have any wills that you would like to donate them, I will share them with all researchers.


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