aaaaaaghhh!!! damn that pesky Kath.................. ok Nicki is stuck good and proper this time......... she is wondering at this untimely predicament .... when she hears a sound at the window who could it be...........oh's Rusty and he finally has me where he wants me...... "So....looks like your the one tied up this time Sister" "ummmmm yes .......listen Rusty will you help me out" "Well I just came back for the VB" "Russ ....come on hunny....think of all those times we were together babe .. you know I made you happy" "What being tied up to the wall with the VB just out of reach?" "Oh hun...come know I just did that to like you up babe....I really have your best interests at heart"......Mother Posterior smiling as sweetly as she can there is a moment of silence as a bomb is heard ticking Russ looks closely at the bomb "Aw hell Nicki ....were did you find a nuclear bomb girl....they don't sell them at K-Mart babe" "I know....I swapped on the net for a coupla cans of coke to some arab person..Sadam something or other.....I wanted a proper job done this time" just then a sound is heard at the window.. "Russell honey ..where are you" "WHO THE HELL IS THAT?!?!?!".......Nicki screams "It's my girlfriend ..Meg" WHAT!! You brought your girlfriend to the convent?" "Yea I can't get rid of her...... the silly cow is following me everywhere" "I have an idea ....but you'll have to let me up" "ok..only if you promise to tie me back up to the wall later tonight know I love that" "Heh heh, yea babe" Russell unhooks Mother posterior......she runs to the window and grabs mopheads hand and hoists her inside.....just as this is being done ..there is a banging at the door .it's Kath she can hear noises and realises Mother has come loose...she is up there ready to give the her another whooping...... Meg squeals "Who's this then Russell...have you been cheating on me?" " it cheating if it's against my will???" "No I suppose not."...meg whines in that pathetic girly way "Well then ...yes .....I was cheating...sorry..... Nicki makes me crazy....I love it" Meg's mouth hangs open and she looks stupified Mother grabs Rusty "Come on babe time to hit that sunset" they both jump out the window and hop on Rustys harley and ride full pelt into the sun........ in the distance a explosion is heard.....and a huge cloud rises up but suprisingly it is only the convent that is destroyed.........along with Kath and Mophead....... "Well hun....I have another Convent in Oz babe ...let's go'sat Coffs to the Big Bannana" "Why does that not surprise me" Rusty giggles to himself...then something occurs to him..... "Hey did ya get the VB?!?!?!?" "shit....I knew I forgot something".............end of part 1. |