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FAQs - Frequency Asked Questions Q1: Does your support group include speech therapy, or do you recommend a particular treatment? A1: Neither. We offer support to one another by way of our meetings, but our support group is not intended to take the place of speech therapy in a professional setting, nor do we recommend one type of speech therapy over another. Many people who stutter have found that regular participation in NSA meetings have helped them with their own therapy programs or self-help programs, or just in coping with life in general. We hope you will find the same, regardless of what speech therapy you may have previously had, or what you are looking to do in the future. Those who attend may have their own opinion or bias on one therapy technique over another, but the NSA is "therapy neutral". Q2: What should we expect at your meetings, and do we have to take part in oral activities? A2: We integrate a number of topics and activities at each meeting but stay flexible. Also, no person is forced to do anything at an NSA event! You pick your own comfort level. "Just Listening" is OK. Our meetings are intended to be helpful to you as a person who stutters. Although our meeting format varies from month to month, a typical meeting might look something like this: - Arriving and signing our Guest List, getting a Name Tag - Welcome, Opening Words and Announcements - Extending an opportunity for participants to share any words of Introduction with the Group - Meeting Facilitator is introduced, and he/she gives short talk on a topic or discussion related to stuttering or speaking (the emphasis is on mutual support rather than on speech therapy) - Group Activity time (gets folks interacting with one another at a level they feel comfortable). Nazareth Speech Pathology Graduate Students often help coordinate these activities, which adds variety to our group - as well as to help the students learn more about stuttering and about people who stutter. - Snacks and socializing for 10-15 minutes - Breakout Group Time (gives folks more chances to speak in a smaller setting) - Re-join the troops for Final Announcements, Closing Words & Dismissal. Come on out and join us, experience a meeting or two, and see what you think! Q3: How many people attend: A3: It varies, our high attendance last year was 24 people but we more typically average about 12. Q4: How much do others stutter? A4: Mild, Moderate, Severe? We don't know, we have people that come and go with varying degrees of stuttering. What we do know is that everyone stutters differently. If you come you will meet other people who stutter, and we will learn together as we speak and listen to one another. Q5: If I decide to "become a regular", how do I join your group? Is there a cost to join? A5: The Rochester NSA Chapter hopes that you will get something positive out of attending our monthly meetings and that you will attend as often as you can. We don't have a membership process for our local chapter, although we'd like to add you to our mailing group so we can remind you of our meetings and special events. Our local leaders volunteer their time and talents, Nazareth College is generous to extend us free-of-charge facilities - so you can come and participate in our meetings as often as you like for FREE. Come out and join with us this month, it is worth the risk! If you like what you see in the National Stuttering Association after attending some of our meetings, then we encourage you to join the National Stuttering Association (i.e. the National group) for an annual membership fee of $35. Your membership will bring you a number of immediate benefits such as receiving the monthly NSA Newsletter LETTING GO. Use this Link to to join the national organization directly from their web site, otherwise we'd be glad to provide you with written membership literature as well. The NSA maintains a national office in New York City, sponsors a wonderful annual Convention (which will be just outside of New York City in June 2008), and does alot of good for those who stutter - we encourage you to become more informed in the future. |