Hello all.  This particular page is about graphing calculators.  I own a TI-83 graphing calculator (the one in the picture up there) and I love to play games on it during class (only after I complete an assignment of course <wink, wink>).  There are a lot of good websites online that you can go to to get more info about graphing calculators, programs for graphing calculators, and programming for graphing calculators.  They may just look like mild-mannered math calculators but in reality they are full featured gaming machines.  Oh yes...

And I even made a program. 
Here it is.  Just send it to your calculator using the Graph Link software (if you want a text version to type into your calc, just e-mail me).  It's called NickComp and it's about the "Nick Burns, the Computer Guy" sketch on Saturday Night Live.  Oh and by the way, try making the sum of all the numbers in list 2 equal whatever your XMax value is in your Window settings.  You'll like it...

So here's a cool link:
The best calculator site!
This is a cool site with all of the calculator programs and info you could ever need.  It also has some links to other calculator sites.  So go there and learn.  Do it now.
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