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word Refrain is a noun. English speakers generally pronounce this word.
as "Refreyn". It is a phrase, line or group of lines repeated at intervals
throughout a poem, generally at the end of the stanza. Refrains are
found in the ancient Egyptian book of the Dead and are common in primitive
tribal chants. They appear in literature as varied as ancient Hebrew,
Greek, and Latin verse, popular ballads, and Renaissance and Romantic Lyrics.
Three common refrains are the chorus, recited by more than one person;
the burden, in which a whole stanza is repeated; and the repetend, in which
the words are repeated erratically throughout the poem. A refrain may be
an exact repetition, or it may exhibit slight variations in meaning or
form as in the following excerpt from "Jesse James" :
had a wife to mourn him for all her life,