BUTT 101: Survey of Butts (4 credits)
Welcome to Butt 101, the survey of butts.  Lecture, discussion and demonstration dealing with such topics as the origin of the buttocks, firmness, texture, adaptation, heredity, environment, and infectious diseases as they relate to the buttocks.  Open to all students but not counted towards a major in Buttology.
College of Buttology
Founded by the Pervert of the NS&P League
Courses taught by the Pervert and Slut of the NS&P League
Course descriptions written by the Nut of the NS&P League
Pictures provided by the Nut and Pervert of the NS&P League
The butt has been the subject of much admiration and debate by both male and female since the beginning of time.  This college was founded to finally put to rest the mysteries surrounding this magnificant specimen.  The courses are designed to give the student as much knowledge as possible, so that one day everyone will understand the wonders and love people have for the butt.
Below are course descriptions for each of the classes.  More will follow, as will schedules.  Any questions, feel free to contact the Chair of the Department, the Pervert, at 1-800-YOU WISH
BUTT 200: Concepts in Buttology (4 credits)
A survery of buttological concepts common to most areas of the buttological sciences.  Topics including scientific method, buttological chemistry, butt structure and function, reproduction and development, genetics, evolution, and butt-ecology will be covered in a non-laboratory discussion.  Pre-requisite to all major courses.  Offered each semester.
BUTT 209: Developmental Buttology (5 credits)
The course is a detailed examination of the molecular and cellular events that control the process of butt development in diverse species such as sea urchins, chicken, mice, and human beings.  Special emphasis is placed on understanding the experimental methodologies used by developmental buttologists to elucidate the mysteries of buttogenesis.  The laboratory portion of the course provides hands-on opportunities to observe the fundamental concepts discussed in lecture.  Taught every year.
BUTT 221: Butt Ecology (4 credits)
This course is a basic introduction to butt ecology and will follow a lecture-seminar-discussion format with no formal laboratory.  Several field trips to butts will be scheduled and mini-projects involving butt ecology will be carried out on these trips.  Much of the term will be spent examining cheekogenesis, the structure and function of butt ecosystem, as well as the evoluntionary buttology of obligate butt inhabitants.  The grade is based on class participation, mini-projects, one lecture exam, a short paper and a final exam.
BUTT 222: Buttomology (5 credits)
An introduction to buttomology including morphology, taxonomy and behavior.  Emphasis on collection and preservation of specimens representing a prescribed number of Orders.  Identification of terrestrial buttocks to the taxonomic level of Family using dichotomous keys as well as field characteristics.  Some collection of buttotic levels as well.  This course is constructed to equal two lectures and one lab per week.  Much of the instruction is done in the field with local field trips, and the possibility of one overnight trip.  Students are required to purchase collection and preservation supplies and make their own buttocks collection to use to type specimens.
BUTT 302: Butt (5 credits)
The butt forms the basic unit of living organisms.  This course focuses on the structure of the butt and the molecular processes involved in directing and maintaining normal buttular function.  Buttsynthesis of macromolecules and organelles within the butt and intra-buttular signaling process are discussed.  In the last two weeks of the semester, these concepts are applied to specific butt types such as firmness, lift and hang of the buttock system.
Please Please take me home!!!!!!
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