(Notice, of course, that there is only ONE pervert in the NS&P.... sadly, she has yet to find anyone as perverted as she....)
I just HAD to let you enjoy this picture!!!  He can also be found on the RRR link!  He's too adorable :-)
You may be wondering just how I got the honor of being the P of NS&P.  Well, it's really quite simple (kind of)!  The Slut and I had duked it out for about a day or so; we both wanted to be the Slut.  HOWEVER, she seemed to be getting more action than me at that point in time and there was NO WAY I was giving up my dirty mind JUST to become a slut. 

Soooo..... I agreed to become the pervert!  And I'm glad I did.  As you will see if you go the RRR link, I am the one who came up w/the Rear Rating system (along w/the Slut and another friend).  I can take just about anything said and make it sound dirty!  I have been like this since High School and I doubt I'll stop this any time soon.  Rest assured, I know when to be a pervert and when not to be!  Ya just gotta learn to control the urges!!!!
Looking back, I wonder how smart THAT was.....
It's especially fun doing it to Prof's b/c 9 times out of 10 they have NO CLUE what you're laughing about!
Take me Home!
Click here to learn about the real me (if you dare.......)!
Click here for humerous Bush stuff!
Well, now that you've viewed the CRAZINESS of the other two members, it's now time to sit back and read about the NORMAL member of the NS&P league....... THE PERVERT (I mean, really...... who wants to be a slut or a nut???  Such negative connotations....)