The Original Slut's "Sitting" Room |
So... My turn. Seems like the other ladies have had their fun with I get to give a little back. |
You've heard how it started, you've seen our pictures, but do you know the REAL story? Well--the origin of the name NS&P league...that's my baby...all me. Oh yeah. That all started with me and ICQ. Confused? That's nothing new. |
The name Slut has such negative connotations. Now I don't want you all to be thinking that I'm some sort of "easy" woman...much. Just because I happen to be comfortable with my sexuality and my pursuit of the male of the species doesn't mean that I should be looked down upon...rather, envied. |
And when this whole thing started out, the other girls wouldn't even let me have the title of "slut" because even though I was getting more (non drunken) action than both of them combined, I wasn't getting all that and more, if you know what I mean (wink wink). So instead, they decided I should be a "Slirt" which combines those two words I love, Slut and Flirt. |
But then...miracles DO happen...I got a little Lovin' (Thank you JD Sweetheart) which convinced the Perv and the Nut that I deserved to get one step closer to the actual title, and so I was henceforth known as the "Slurt", only subtly different from "Slirt" because of the subtraction of the I and the addition of the U. The N and the P decided that I didn't get to be a full fledged slut until I got some real (and you know what I mean) action. |
And you can't say I didn't try. But I did not reduce myself to having my floor vacuumed or being paid (thanks again JD you jerk). I even had fun playing April Fool's jokes on the N and P making them think I actually got some, but heh...I guess that joke was on me. So really, when I actually got a boyfriend, and managed to have one of those blissful first date experiences that most women wouldn't DREAM of, and the N and P saw me the next day, the first words they said were, "You lost your R didn't you?" And indeed, I had. |
Ahh--To be the slut is a glorious thing. But to all you young impressionable is an important thing. Wait til you're ready because you only get to have a first time once, and when it is with someone you love, or at least really care about, that's when it is the best. I promise. So, that's my little foot note. Be safe, be responsible and have fun losing those Rs!!!! |