NSW Cavy Club Inc.

A Short History of the NSW Cavy Club, Inc.

In the beginning ... an extract from Pigs isn't Pigs

The NSW Cavy Club originated in 1969 as the Channel Seven Cavy Club. Wynne Eccen's Cavy Care series shown on Saturday morning in the "Uncle Monty" segment aroused such interest that the Channel Seven Cavy Club was formed, later to become the NSW Cavy Club when the series ended. Mrs McGrath of Greenacre wrote our original constitution and helped put the Club on its feet. Over the years it has grown from strength to strength holding shows in shopping complexes, members' gardens and in conjunction with Agricultural shows. It holds meetings when required, and has an annual general meeting. In addition, the NSW Cavy Club has an annual exhibition corner at the Farmyard Nursery at the Sydney Royal ...

Things have come a long way since then ...

In 1993 the NSW Cavy Club became and incorporated society and revised its constitution in line with the guidelines of the Incorporations Act. ... We currently have a membership of over 150 and we hold meeting throughout the metropolitan area at a number of venues suitable to our membership. ...

We no longer have shows in shopping centres though occasionally we may be asked to hold a display in one of these venues. Members' gardens could not cope with our current numbers and the comfort of having hall facilities is to the advantage of both members and animals alike. Most of the halls we use are owned by the Scouts or guide associations, and where we exhibit at Agricultural Shows we are generally given very satisfactory accommodation, which our animals certainly appreciate.

Many of our members travel interstate to attend major shows, so our pigs are becoming accustomed to being driven or flying around the countryside. It is wonderful to have the friendship of interstate cavy owners with whom we are able to meet throughout the year, and many of these cavy fanciers have reciprocated and have entered the 1994 Sydney Royal to make this, our 25th anniversary show, and all time record.

History of the Club comes from the 25th Anniversary Commemorative Year Book 1994, edited by the late Troy Cluss.

New South Wales & Northsiders ... One Cavy Club!

When my family first found an interest in cavies.during the early 1980's - there were two separate cavy clubs operating in the Sydney area. One was the New South Wales Cavy Club, the other was then known as the Northsiders Cavy Club. There was some obvious friction between the two groups in that the aims of one of the groups did not fit the criteria for the aims of the other - and it appeared that "never the twain would meet."

It seemed to me that the state of affairs at this time was not one that would promote the well-being of cavies in any way, and when I took on the position of President of the Northsiders group, we undertook to review the aims and remove the "promotion of the 'Australian' breeds" from the listed aims of the group. Once this was done the way was open to amalgamate the two groups slowly.

The Northsiders group has remained as a group within the New South Wales Cavy Club Inc. A management group works to run the shows in venues on the northern side of the Harbour, and until recently hosted shows in the Central Coast area as well. Northsiders support the NSWCC with donations toward insurance, prize money for major shows, and additional funds where necessary for the running of other events within NSWCC. We are all members of the one club, and our primary interest is in the promotion and wellbeing of the cavy, and the education of the public in their understanding the care they need to provide for their pet cavies.

Written by Betty Robertson, Jun 2004.

Southern Regional Branch

The Branch was formed in January 2000 in response to member requests for more shows in the regions south of Sydney, that the main branch felt unable to address. The aims of the Branch are the same as that of the NSW Cavy Club, with the additional wish to provide shows for regional members, and to promote the formation of a club in Canberra.

Shows have been held in Wollongong, Robertson and Canberra each year since the Branch was formed. Exhibitions have been held in Yass, Murrumbateman, Morongala Creek, and Cowra. While some of these are more west than south, they are still in regional areas not serviced by any branch. Interest is high in all areas.

Gwen Parsons and Karen Nichols, with the assistance of various members in the Canberra region, had held an exhibition in the Animal Nursery section of the Royal Canberra Show since the mid '80's. Over the years there was considerable interest in shows for cavies in the area, but a venue was the overriding difficulty. A venue was offered by the Canberra Rabbit Club, and there has been a happy association between both clubs since the first official show in March 2000.

This year, 2004, after an incredible amount of work from the membership in Canberra, saw the Inaugural Cavy Show appear at Royal Canberra Show.

Written by Karen Nichols, Jul 2004.

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