Thanks for visiting and welcome to the Lightside. Life can be hard sometimes, and stress
rides you. Don't let that keep you down. Sit down, relax, listen to
a laid back tune, and let your problems roll off your back. This is the light side.
A home for the more positive things in life. Enjoy. ^-^
Table of Contents: Lightside
I'm a little pressed for time. *The guestbook is up and running*. Please give some work to this page. I will acknowlege your work
and, I might run some contests in the future so look for them.
Please donate to the poetry and short story sections. E-mail your works in and good things will come of it.
[Guest book]
Last updated: SEPTEMBER . 29 . 2002 A.D.
If you have any questions, suggestions, donations, acclimations, damnations, or quotations,
send them to ME. I'll try to get back to you as
soon as I can.