Welcome To The Lightside.

Thanks for visiting and welcome to the Lightside. Life can be hard sometimes, and stress rides you. Don't let that keep you down. Sit down, relax, listen to a laid back tune, and let your problems roll off your back. This is the light side. A home for the more positive things in life. Enjoy. ^-^

Table of Contents: Lightside

I'm a little pressed for time. *The guestbook is up and running*. Please give some work to this page. I will acknowlege your work and, I might run some contests in the future so look for them.

Please donate to the poetry and short story sections. E-mail your works in and good things will come of it.

[Happiness] [Media] [Guest book]

Last updated: SEPTEMBER . 29 . 2002 A.D.

If you have any questions, suggestions, donations, acclimations, damnations, or quotations, send them to ME. I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.