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Tirukkural: Getting close to the original |
In Spirit, Content and Style |
The 'choicest' of all translations in
English |
Edited by: N.V.K. Ashraf
This Tirukkural translation in English is drawn from a comparative study of 25 different translations. Sixteen of these were either complete or partial translations and the remaining nine were translations that appeared in articles, monographs and books authored by different people on Tirukkural and Tiruvalluvar. The choicest translation that is close to the original - in spirit, content and style - has been chosen for presentation. Preference has been given for brevity, simplicity and clarity. Emphasize was also laid on translations that manage to reflect, as much as possible, every word found in the original. Sometimes translations of two authors were combined to produce the best reflection of the original. The translator or translators of every couplet have been acknowledged with their initials eg. PS, SS, SB, VS etc. in a separate column. The initials have been expanded with the full names of these translators at the end of this page. When no translation was found particularly satisfactory, I chose to render them myself. These have been marked by initial NV. An astrix * at the end of a translation indicate that the rendering has been improved upon, either by adding/replacing words or deleting words found to be unnecessary. To know more on the process of this comparison and criteria of selection, click here: Comparing Tirukkural translations to unfold the best.
Division II. Wealth
091 | Uxoriousness | Translators | Notes |
0901 |
Wives unduly exalted
impede greatness. |
PS, SS |
0902 |
The affluence of a
careless uxorious man |
SS, PS |
0903 |
Habitual submission to
one’s wife |
NV |
0904 |
The deeds of one who
dreads his wife |
SS, GU |
0905 |
A man who fears his
wife will always fear |
GV |
0906 |
Those who fear their
wives' slender shoulders |
PS |
0907 |
Modest womanhood is
greater than the manhood |
DZ |
0908 |
Men governed by their
fair ladies cannot address |
VS, NV |
Yes |
0909 |
Virtuous deeds,
exalted wealth and other deeds |
PS |
0910 |
The thoughtful and
firm-willed never indulge |
SS, PS |
908. A short and crisp translations of this couplet [but not close to original]: “A doting husband will have no time for friends or virtuous deeds” - PS
092 | Public women | Translators | Notes |
0911 |
Fraught with disgrace
are the sweet words |
PS |
0912 |
See through and avoid
the immoral women |
PS |
0913 |
A harlot’s false
embrace for money is like one hired |
PS |
Yes |
0914 |
The wise who treasure
grace desire not the false charms |
DL, SS |
0915 |
Sensible men of lofty
wisdom will find no joy |
PS, GU |
0916 |
Those who would spread
their own good will not touch |
PS |
0917 |
The empty-hearted
alone will embrace |
PS |
0918 |
Only those who can’t
see through a false woman’s embrace |
NV, PS |
0919 |
The soft arms of those
who sell their charm |
PS, DL |
0920 |
Fortune leaves those
whose associates are |
PS |
913. There existed, according to French writer Abbe J.A. Dubois of the 18th
century A.D. [Hindu Manners, Customs and Ceremonies, page 17 and Edgar Thurston,
Castes and Tribes of Southern India, Volume V, page 107], a practice amongst the
Nambudris of Kerala to hire someone to embrace the dead corpse of girls who die
as virgins [Padmanabhan, 2003]. Valluvar could be referring to this custom.
Though two of the five traditional commentators of Tirukkural, namely
Manakkudavar and Pariperumal, interpret this way […
they do not refer to this as a practice amongst Nambudris.
093 | Avoiding alcohol | Translators | Notes |
0921 |
Those who always love
wine |
DL |
0922 |
Drink no wine, or let
them drink |
PS |
0923 |
When a drunkard's glee
hurts his own mother, |
PS |
0924 |
The good lady Shame
turns her back to men |
PS, DZ |
0925 |
It is sheer ignorance
to spend one’s substance |
VS |
0926 |
Slumbers are no
different from the dead. |
NV |
0927 |
Those who often get
drunk in private |
KV |
0928 |
Drop saying, "I never
drank": |
PS |
0929 |
To reason with one
drowned in drink is like |
PS |
Yes |
0930 |
When a drunkard sober
sees another drunk, |
PS |
930. Compare with 99 and 318 for the typical style of Valluvar: “How can anyone
speak harsh words, having seen what kind words do?” - NV and “Why does one hurt
others knowing what it is to be hurt?” - PS
094 | Gambling | Translators | Notes |
0931 |
Don’t gamble even if you win for it draws
you in Like fishes drawn to shining baits. |
PS, NV | Yes |
0932 |
Can gamblers gain anything good in life Who gain one and lose a hundred? * |
PS | |
0933 |
To be lost all the time in the rolling
dice Is to lose your hoarded wealth to others. |
PS | |
0934 |
There is nothing like gambling to bring Poverty, sorrow and disgrace. |
PS | |
0935 |
They lose all who will not give up the
dice, The board and the throw. |
PS | |
0936 |
Those blindfolded by the dark ogress called
dice Will starve and suffer in distress. * |
NV, DZ | |
0937 |
Time wasted in a gambling house Will end one’s ancestral wealth and worth. * |
PS | |
0938 |
Dicing loses wealth, imposes lies, Kills grace and causes sorrow. |
PS | |
0939 |
Gambling will make one lose these five: Riches, food, fame, learning and clothes. |
NV | |
0940 |
Like the attachment to life despite
sufferings Is the love for gambling despite loss. * |
KK | Yes |
931. Padmanabhan [2003] refers to the practice amongst fishermen of Kanyakumari
[Muttom area] to use glittering golden lace as bait for fishing. However, none
of the 20 translations from different sources compared in this exercise has
interpreted this way. However Klingar, one of the five traditional commentators
of Kural interpret the phrase “தூண்டில்
as “bait of gold”. On the
contrary, the phrase has been invariable taken to mean “metal hook” with the
word “பொன்”
once actually being used as a reference to any “metal”. The type of metal
implied has to be inferred from the context [Sethu Pillai, 1974].
940. PS would say: "Life goes on in spite of loss and stakes in spite of loss!"
095 | Medicine | Translators | Notes |
0941 |
Three things beginning with wind,
say the experts, In excess or lacking cause disease. |
PS | Yes |
0942 |
The body needs no drugs if what is eaten Is digested before the next meal. |
NV | |
0943 |
Once digested, eat with moderation. That prolongs the life of one embodied. * |
DL | |
0944 |
Assured of digestion and real hunger, Eat with care what is agreeable. * |
PS | |
0945 |
No harm to life if what is eaten Does not include disagreeable food. |
NV | |
0946 |
As pleasure dwells with a moderate eater,
So is disease with a voracious glutton. * |
DL | |
0947 |
Unlimited eating beyond one’s measure Leads to unlimited number of ills. |
NV | |
0948 |
Diagnose the illness, trace its cause, Seek the proper remedy and apply it with skill. |
SS | |
0949 |
A doctor should have the measure of the
patient, Disease and its stage, and treat. |
NV | Yes |
0950 |
Any treatment involves these four orders:
The patient, doctor, medicine and the nurse. |
NV, SB |
941. The other two are considered to be bile and phlegm.
949. These three could be: condition of the patient [stable, unstable], nature
of the disease [infectious, non-infectious or chronic/acute] and stage of
illness [early/terminal].
096 | Lineage | Translators | Notes |
0951 |
None except the
well-born |
PS |
0952 |
Men of birth will
never deviate from these three: |
DL |
0953 |
A smiling face, a
generous heart, sweet words and no scorn; |
PS |
0954 |
Men of birth will not
indulge in mean acts |
PS, NV |
0955 |
An ancient family may
default in charity, |
PS |
0956 |
Those wedded to their
spotless heritage |
PS |
0957 |
Defects in people of
noble descent |
JN |
Yes |
0958 |
Want of affection from
one of good family |
DL |
0959 |
Nature of sprout
indicates the quality of soil; |
NV |
0960 |
There is no good
without a sense of shame, |
PS |
957. Compare with 1117. “Are there spots on my love’s face like the spots on the
shining moon?” – NV, SB
097 | Honour | Translators | Notes |
0961 |
Reject base actions even if such rejection Makes life impossible. |
PS | |
0962 |
Those who desire fame with honour Will not sacrifice honour for fame. |
PS | Yes |
0963 |
In prosperity, bend low. In adversity, stand straight. |
PS | |
0964 |
Men fallen from high stature Are like hair fallen from the head. * |
PS | |
0965 |
Even a hill-like eminence can be brought
low By deeds as small as a speck. * |
PS | Yes |
0966 |
Why go behind those who scorn when it
yields Neither fame nor place in heaven? * |
KS | |
0967 |
Better said doomed that state of life Spent clinging on to those who scorn. |
NV | |
0968 |
Is body as precious as ambrosia that men
desire to save it Even at the cost of honour? |
MS, VS | Yes |
0969 |
The yak, sheared of its hair, does not
survive. The noble, stripped of their honour, prefer death. |
NV | Yes |
0970 |
The world will admire and worship the glory
of men Who prefer death to dishonour. * |
CR |
962. Compare with 1017. “Men of honour give up life for honour’s sake, but never
abandon honour to save life” * - CR
965. Compare with 433. “To those ashamed of wrong doings, even millet of fault
is as big as a palm-tree” * - VR, PS
968. A difficult verse to translate. The word “ஊன்”
has been taken by different translators as “life”, “skin”, “body” and the word “மருந்தோ”
to mean “nectar” or “medicine”. VS provides an interesting but daring
translation: “Is the skin forsooth immortality that men desire to save it at the
cost of honour?” Another interesting translation, but not close to original:
“Does life saved at the cost of honour, put off death for ever?” - PS
969. The exact meaning of the word “கவரிமா”
has not been established for this context. Since Valluvar is referring to the
advantage of a wooly coat for surviving cold climates in high altitudes and
polar regions, the word has been translated as “yak” here, as many translators
098 | Pride/Greatness | Translators | Notes |
0971 |
Honour is to crave for excellence. Dishonor is to say: “I shall live without it”. |
NV | |
0972 |
By birth all men are equal. Differences in
their action Render their worth unequal. |
SM | |
0973 |
Neither the high-born who act low are high,
Nor the low-born who act high, low. * |
PS | |
0974 |
Even greatness, like a woman’s chastity,
Belongs only to him who guards himself. |
DL | |
0975 |
If the great achieve anything, It will be deeds rare in achievement. * |
PS | |
0976 |
It is not in the nature of the small to
have That outlook of emulating the great. * |
DZ | |
0977 |
If any distinction falls on the little
minded, Their insolence will know no bounds. * |
VS | |
0978 |
The great are always humble, And the small lost in self-admiration. |
PS | |
0979 |
The great are never puffed up, While the small are inordinately proud. * |
PS | |
0980 |
The great hide others' faults. Only the small talk of nothing else. |
PS |
099 | Goodness | Translators | Notes |
0981 |
All virtues are said to be natural to those
Who acquire character as a duty. |
PS | |
0982 |
No other goodness than good character Is deemed good by the noble. |
NV | |
0983 |
The pillars of excellence are five: Love, modesty, altruism, compassion, truthfulness. |
PS | |
0984 |
The characteristic of penance is
non-killing, And that of goodness not speaking others’ faults. |
NV | Yes |
0985 |
Humility is the strength of the strong and
the weapon The wise use to conquer their foes. |
SS | |
0986 |
The touchstone of goodness is to own One's defeat even to inferiors. |
PS | |
0987 |
What good is that goodness if it does not
return good Even to those who cause evil? * |
PS | Yes |
0988 |
Poverty is no disgrace to one Who has the strength called character. |
PS, VS | |
0989 |
The depth of goodness is said to be the
never changing attitude In spite of ever changing fortunes. |
NV | Yes |
0990 |
The earth will cease to bear its burden If perfect men fall short of perfection. |
SM, GV |
984. Compare with 261: “The characteristic of penance lies in enduring hardships
and harming no life” - NV
987. Compare with
314. Punish an evil-doer by shaming him with a good deed.* - PS
989: A difficult couplet to translate. Most translations follow Parimelazhagar’s
view of taking ‘ஆழி’
as sea shore and ‘ஊழி
பெயரினும்’ as ‘even if a whelming sea
breaks its bounds”. PS, therefore, translates this verse as “Seas may whelm, but
men of character will stand like the shore”. However, the word ‘ஊழி’
in general refers to ‘fate’ or ‘fortune’ and the word ‘ஆழி’
to either ‘sea’ or ‘depth’. I have used these direct meanings to translate this
couplet. Kalingar takes this interpretation. From Parimelazhagar’s standpoint,
Sundaram’s translation may be improved like this: “Fortunes like seas may whelm,
but men of character will remain unperturbed like the shore”.
100 | Courtesy | Translators | Notes |
0991 |
The demeanor called
courtesy, they say, |
NV, SS |
0992 |
Kindness and exalted birth:
these two |
NV |
0993 |
What binds humanity together
is not physical proximity, |
NV |
0994 |
The world applauds the
conduct of those |
DL, NV |
0995 |
Mockery hurts even in jest,
and hence the considerate |
PS |
Yes |
0996 |
The world goes on because of
civilized men. |
SS |
0997 |
Men without character,
despite their sharp minds, |
NV, DZ |
0998 |
It is disgraceful to be
discourteous, |
SS |
0999 |
To those who cannot laugh,
CR |
1000 |
The great wealth kept by the
uncultured |
NV |
995. Compare with 871. One should never wish for the accursed thing called
enmity, even in jest. SS
Padmanabhan, S. 2003. Thiruvalluvar.
Kanyakumari Historical and Cultural Research Centre, Nagercoil. Pp 42
Sethu Pillai, R.P. 1974. Words and their Significance: Tamil – Literary and Colloquial. University of Madras. Pp 37
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Key to the initials of different translators:
CR - C. Rajagopalachari | KS - Kasthuri Sreenivasan | SI - K.R. Srinivasa Iyengar |
DL -W.H. Drew and J. Lazarus | >KV - K. Krishnaswamy & Vijaya Ramkumar | SM -S. Maharajan |
DZ - S.M. Diaz | MS - M.S. Poornalingam Pillai | SS - Satguru Subramuniyaswami |
EL - F.W. Ellis | NC - Norman Cutler | TD - S. Thandapani Desikar |
GU - G.U. Pope | NV - N.V.K. Ashraf | TK - T.K. Chidambaranatha Mudaliar |
GV - G. Vanmikanathan | PS - P.S. Sundaram | VC - V.C. Kulandai Swamy |
JN - J. Narayanaswamy | SB - Shuddhananda Bharatiar | VR - V. Ramasamy |
KK - K. Kannan | SD - S.D. Rajendran | VS - V.V.S. Aiyar |
KN - K.N. Subramanyam | SG - G. Siromoney, S. Govindaraju & M. Chandrasekaran, |
© N.V.K. Ashraf Uploaded in April 2006 |
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