This story begins with a Civil War discharge paper which was seen once and then disappeared.
Since then, I have hunted for the soldier who was the original Irish immigrant of our family,
who fought for the Union and may well have been at Fredericksburg.
His name was George Conley, that much I know.
An 1870 Census lists two George Conleys, one who may have been the father of the other.
This page does not, for now, jump to any conclusions.
What is sure is that the family was rich in music, dance and storytelling.

I would like to thank Katherine Finch Thompson and Richard Finch
for their invaluable contributions to reconstructing the family history from memory.
I would like to commend the research of Paula Simpkins Maitre,
whose perseverance and plain old legwork keep turning up new clues to the past.

To our imaginative and stubborn Irish ancestors, I lift a glass.
We will not forget.

If you have any information about the Conleys of South Jersey,

please click the faerie-in-the-shamrocks.


Index of Names

This web site produced by Robb and Deni Frederick
with Legacy 3.0 a product of Millennia.
Updated 24 Mar 2001.

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