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Current and Past Contests
This site will provide you with the Michigan NPC Bodybuilding,
Fitness and Figure Contest results. Current schedules of Michigan events will also
be found here. To view the contest results and photos when they are available, click
on the photo on the right.
If you are looking for information that you cannot find here, you may attempt a Google search below. MichiganNPC.comClick on the National NPC Banner or International IFBB Banner below for their Web sites. The Michigan Bodybuilding Directory Banner below, will link you to a free self-placement directory of businesses, organizations and individual bodybuilders. You may enter yourself, company or group in this Directory. The Michigan Bodybuilding Blog is RSS (real simple syndication) for your reader or "My Yahoo" personal page. This enables rapid photo posting as well as discussion. The following banner will take you there. Copyright © 2002-2007 by Oaktree Associates. All Rights