
After requesting an account and downloading DC++, you will need to make the following simple configurations in order to join the Oasis Share hub:

After opening up DC++, click File > Settings. This will bring up a window like the following:

Fill in the Nick and E-Mail fields and select your connection type. Next, click downloads.

Fill in the default download directory and unfinished downloads directory fields. Optional: Fill in the public hubs list URL with the URL listed in this example, or another found online - this is, as the name implies, a list of public hubs that you can join. The majority of them aren't very good though, so you don't have to bother. Next, click Sharing.

Click on Add folder to find files you wish to share. Note that you must share 500mb of non-commercially available Oasis files if you wish to use the Oasis hub. Whatever you choose to add must comply with the rules of the hub. Adjust the amount of upload slots to at least 2. Feel free to open more slots than this.

You've now filled out all of the required fields in the settings menu. If you wish to further tinker with your DC++ settings, visit the 'Appearance', 'Logs and Sound' and/or the 'Advanced' section to make alterations. Once satisfied, click OK.

Now you'll want to log into the hub! First you need to add the hub to your favourites. Click View > Favourites. Then, halfway down the page, click New. You'll get this window:

Fill in the Name and Address fields as shown. Next you'll need your Nick and Password as provided in your confirmation email. If you do not have these, visit the registration section of this site to fill out a request form for your account. It will take approximately 1-2 days for you to receive your confirmation email. Now click OK, and the hub will show up in your favourites list. Double click the hub to enter it.

A new window will open, and you will be connected to the hub. It should look something like this:

The left window is the chat window, the right is the user list, and the lower window displays your current transfers. Of course when you log in, files won't magically start transferring, you'll need to find what you want. There are two ways of doing this:

If neither of these worked, and the file lists didn't download or the transfers didn't run (It just says 'Connecting' in the transfer window), then maybe you are behind a router or have an internet setup that doesn't allow you to download as an active user. If this is the case, you must adjust your settings so that you are a passive user. To do this, simply click File > Settings, and under General, select 'Passive' rather than 'Active', and click OK. You may need to restart DC++ or reconnect to the hub for changes to take effect.

Any other questions about using DC++? Email us at